2.2 Unix (Linux/Solaris)


The installation on the Unix platform (Linux and Solaris) is realized by self-extracting .bin files that also comprise the Java Virtual Machines which are necessary for using TIGERSearch on Linux and Solaris. To install the TIGERSearch software suite on the Linux or Solaris platform the following steps are necessary:

1. Download the installation file for your platform ( http://www.tigersearch.de).

2. Install TIGERSearch on your system:

Start the binary installation file.

Please note: The binary file must be executable, i.e. the file permission must be set to rwx (chmod u+rwx filename).

Choose the shortcut directory. The installation tool will place links to the TIGERSearch and TIGERRegistry program in this directory. For example, you might choose /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin or ~/bin. Please note that HTML and PDF versions of the TIGERSearch User's Manual are placed in the doc/ subdirectory of the destination directory.

Now the program files are copied to your system.

Start the TIGERSearch or TIGERRegistry program by using the shortcuts created by the installation tool. If you did not create shortcuts, TIGERSearch and TIGERRegistry executables are located in the bin/ subdirectory of the installation directory. (cf. subsection 1.1, chapter IV and subsection 2.1, chapter VI, respectively).


Enter the UninstallerData/ subdirectory of the destination directory. Start the uninstall script Uninstall_TIGERSearch.

Please note: The script must be executable, i.e. the file permission must be set to rwx (chmod u+rwx filename).