10.2 XSLT stylesheets

All XSLT stylesheets used to transform the export of query matches are placed in the export/ subdirectory of your TIGERSearch installation directory. If you want to develop a new stylesheet, we recommend you to use the file testsentence.xml for testing your stylesheet. As the matching corpus graphs are processed on your stylesheet separately, this test file illustrates the XML representation of one single graph. It is located in the export/ directory, too.

The XSLT stylesheets offered by the user interface are registered in a file named TIGERExportRegistry.xml which is also located in the export/ subdirectory. This file looks like the following:

<registry version="1.0">

  <stylesheet name="bracketing format" sentence_xslt="bracket.xsl"/>

  <stylesheet name="sentence format (tokens)" sentence_xslt="sentence.xsl"/>

  <stylesheet name="sentence format (tokens + pos)" sentence_xslt="pos.xsl"/>


To add your stylesheet, just insert a new <stylesheet> element. Specify the stylesheet name by setting the value of the attribute name. Specify the filename by setting the value of the sentence_xslt attribute.

Please note: TIGERSearch has to be restarted in order to activate the new stylesheet configuration.