TIGERSearch provides a bookmark concept to store your favourite corpus queries. As an option, you can also store the results of your queries. This makes sense especially for queries which took a long time to evaluate. The present subsection describes how to add and open bookmarks and the concept of bookmark maintenance.

Adding a bookmark

If you would like to file a bookmark, first mark the preferred bookmark parent folder in the Bookmarks tab (cf. screenshot). Afterwards, select the Add Bookmark to Main Group item in the Bookmarks menu in the context menu of the query editor. If you do not want to specify the parent folder, just select the Add Bookmark to Main Group option.

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Adding a bookmark

Next, the bookmark properties window is presented. Here you can specify the name of the bookmark and a comment that describes the bookmark. If the query has already been processed, the query results can also be stored. To confirm the bookmark properties and insert the bookmark in the specified parent folder, press the OK button:

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Bookmark properties

Please note: Storing query results is a helpful feature, but it consumes hard disc memory in the user's home account. If you do not plan to reuse the results, you should better do without it.

Opening a bookmark

The user's bookmarks are presented in the Bookmarks tab in the corpus information panel. If you press a bookmark icon, the bookmark name and definition are shown in the lower part of the tab. If you double-click on a bookmark or select the Open item in the bookmark's context menu, the query text of the bookmark is copied into the query editor. If query results are also stored, they are restored and can be inspected in the GraphViewer.

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Opening a bookmark

Bookmark maintenance

The bookmark maintenance is realized by context menus for bookmarks and bookmark folders (right mouse click on a bookmark folder or item, respectively). You can edit bookmark properties, delete a bookmark, cut a bookmark, and paste a bookmark which has been copied or cut before. You can also edit the properties of bookmark folders, cut/copy and paste a folder, and add a new subfolder or bookmark. In order to deallocate hard disc memory used by query results, users can mark a bookmark folder and select the Delete Results Information item in the context menu to delete the query results of all bookmark queries which are placed under this folder or any of its subfolders.

Please note: Corpus bookmarks cannot be deleted. If you like to use corpus bookmarks as a basis for defining derived queries, you might duplicate them by using the copy and paste feature.

In order to exchange bookmarks with other users, you can import and export bookmarks. Just mark the parent folder of the preferred bookmarks (e.g. the root folder to export all bookmarks) and select the Export as Bookmark File item in the context menu.

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Exporting bookmarks

Now the marked bookmark folder is saved. This file can be imported by other users using the Import bookmarks file item in the context menu of the preferred parent folder. A bookmark file can also be used as a corpus bookmarks file (cf. subsection 4.4, chapter VI).