Summary: ======== The lexical substitution corpus CoInCo ("Concepts in Context") is based on contiguous texts provided in MASC (the manually annotated subcorpus of the Open American National Corpus, OANC). It contains for every content word in selected (complete) text files substitute words collected via crowdsourcing (using Amazon Mechanical Turk, AMT) by 6 different annotators per token. The dataset comprises more than 150,000 responses for around 15,000 targets in about 2,500 sentences containing approximately 35,000 words. Targets are roughly balanced across the genres "news" and "fiction". Annotators saw a target sentence with the highlighted two (sometimes one, when the only leftover in the sentence) target words (that was tagged in MASC as noun, verb, adjective, or adverb), and the preceding and following sentence in the original text file as context (but shown less prominent). They were asked to provide as many as possible substitutes (up to 5) that would not change the meaning of the sentence or otherwise mark why they did not provide one, choosing from "proper name", "part of a fixed expression", "no replacement possible", or "other problem (with description)". English as the mother tongue of annotators could not be guaranteed, but we set the residence address constraint for AMT participants to U.S.A. We created target ID lists for a development/test set (65%/35% target number split) that are nearly balanced across the two genres (news, fiction) within each set. For each set we selected MASC text files and included all the targets in these files - so both development and test set contain full substitution data from sentences in contiguous texts. Note that we used the complete target set for the models described in the paper. License ======= The CoInCo download includes a sample of the MASC corpus, which is available under the CC-BY-3.0-US license. You can find MASC at The lexical substitution annotations that we added for CoInCo are hereby published under the same CC-BY-3.0-US license. Find the full text of the license here: Citation ======== More details can be found in: Gerhard Kremer, Katrin Erk, Sebastian Padó, Stefan Thater: What Substitutes Tell Us – Analysis of an "All-Words" Lexical Substitution Corpus. Proceedings of EACL April, 2014. Gothenburg, Sweden. @inproceedings{kremer14:_what_subst_tell_us, address = {Gothenburg, Sweden}, author = {Kremer, Gerhard and Erk, Katrin and Pad\'o, Sebastian and Thater, Stefan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EACL}, pages = {540--549}, title = {What Substitutes Tell Us -- Analysis of an 'All-Words' Lexical Substitution Corpus}, url = {}, year = 2014 } Files: ====== coinco.xml - "concepts in context" lexical substitution data in XML format testset-tokenIDs.txt - target IDs for the test set, one per line devset-tokenIDs.txt - target IDs for the development set, one per line XML structure: ============== We represent the annotated data in a simple XML format. The corpus is a list of sentences with tokens as elements. For each token, we provide the original MASC part-of-speech tags, the lemma and part-of-speech tag as determined by TreeTagger, and the list of the manually annotated substitutes (if applicable). Another binary attribute ("problematic") marks targets (when set to "yes") where less than 2 annotators provided substitutes. For each substitute, we provide its annotation frequency and its TreeTagger lemma and PoS-tag. To map sentences back onto the MASC corpus, we finally included the original MASC text filename and sentence IDs as well as the context sentences shown with the respective target sentence. The original data was processed in UTF-8 character encoding. In the XML file, non-ASCII characters have been transformed into XML entities. XML element structure tree: =========================== ("+": at least one element of this type) document |__sent+ |__precontext |__targetsentence |__postcontext |__tokens |__token+ |__substitutions |__subst+ XML elements w/ attributes: =========================== sent (the top category containing all data for a target sentence) . MASCfilename: the text file name as given in MASC . MASCsentenceID: the sentence ID within the text file, as given in MASC targetsentence (the original target sentence as appearing in MASC, containing substitution targets and non-content words) precontext (the sentence in MASC appearing before the target sentence) postcontext (the sentence in MASC appearing after the target sentence) tokens (containing each word token of the target sentence) token - for non-targets: . id: dummy-wordID ("XXX") . wordform: word token, taken from MASC . lemma: word lemma, taken from TreeTagger . posMASC: dummy-entry ("XXX") . posTT: part-of-speech, taken from TreeTagger - for targets (w/ substitutions): . id: target token ID, unique across substitution corpus . wordform: wordform, taken from MASC (but w/o hyphens) . lemma: word lemma, taken from TreeTagger . posMASC: part-of-speech, taken from MASC . posTT: part-of-speech, taken from TreeTagger . problematic: "yes" if less than two annotators entered a substitute (otherwise: "no") substitutions (containing all substitution lemmata) subst (lexical substitution for the target token) . lemma: lemma for substitute, taken from TreeTagger in case of multi-word substitutes, lemmata for all tokens are given . pos: part-of-speech for substitute, taken from TreeTagger in case of multi-word substitutes, PoS-tags for all tokens are given . freq: number of annotators that produced the substitute w/ this lemma Additional information on data peculiarities: ============================================= From the target set we heuristically removed auxiliary verbs that were part-of-speech-tagged incorrectly in the gold standard. In general, tokenisation is the same as in MASC (note that we verified this for the target words, only). But, to provide lemmata from the TreeTagger output for target sentences, we had sentences tokenised by the TreeTagger. One observation there was that words connected with a hyphen are tokenised in MASC as separate tokens, whereas they were tokenised by the TreeTagger as single tokens. To enable a practically feasible and correct automatic assignment of lemmata (via word position indexes) to tokens, for TreeTagger input we substituted hyphens in the target sentences with spaces - therefore, hyphens are not included in tokens. Nevertheless, the XML-element "targetsentence" contains the original sentence as appearing in MASC (i.e., with hyphens - to check for tokenisation differences, concatenate all tokens of a sentence by spaces and compare with "targetsentence"). Similarly, 2.6 % of the target sentences in MASC (65) were tokenised differently from the TreeTagger output because of apostrophes (e.g., in names). We completely removed these sentences from the data collection. We notice that, because of duplicate sentenceID/range-lines in MASC, in some cases (concerning 534 out of 2,474 sentences) we had shown the annotators a copy of the respective target sentence as "postcontext" (resulting in less informative context then would have been possible during annotation). We corrected this bug, but kept the "postcontext" in the resulting XML as it was presented in the experiment. For the correct "postcontext" sentence, please consult the MASC data. Because of duplicate sentence IDs (see above), some target instances were annotated by more participants than intended, and sometimes the same annotator saw the same target instance twice. In the open tasks (free to everyone, to find capable annotators), there were 10 annotators per target instance. In the closed tasks (only open to trustfully, invited annotators from the open tasks), 6 annotators processed each target instance. 490 targets were processed by more than 6 annotators. MASC text files with lexical substitution annotations: ====================================================== Genre fiction: lw1.txt captured_moments.txt Nathans_Bylichka.txt Genre newspaper/-wire: 20000410_nyt-NEW.txt 20000415_apw_eng-NEW.txt 20000419_apw_eng-NEW.txt 20000424_nyt-NEW.txt A1.E1-NEW.txt A1.E2-NEW.txt enron-thread-159550.txt NYTnewswire1.txt NYTnewswire2.txt NYTnewswire3.txt NYTnewswire4.txt NYTnewswire5.txt NYTnewswire6.txt NYTnewswire7.txt NYTnewswire8.txt NYTnewswire9.txt wsj_0006.txt wsj_0026.txt wsj_0027.txt wsj_0032.txt wsj_0068.txt wsj_0073.txt wsj_0106.txt wsj_0120.txt wsj_0124.txt wsj_0127.txt wsj_0132.txt wsj_0135.txt wsj_0136.txt wsj_0144.txt wsj_0150.txt wsj_0151.txt wsj_0152.txt wsj_0157.txt wsj_0158.txt wsj_0159.txt wsj_0160.txt wsj_0161.txt wsj_0165.txt wsj_0167.txt wsj_0168.txt wsj_0169.txt wsj_0171.txt wsj_0172.txt wsj_0173.txt wsj_0175.txt wsj_0176.txt wsj_0184.txt wsj_0187.txt wsj_0189.txt wsj_1640.mrg-NEW.txt wsj_2465.txt