4. Changing corpus properties

4.1 Introduction

To change the properties of a corpus, please mark the corpus symbol and press the Corpus Properties button in the button toolbar. The corpus properties window pops up. Now you can change the corpus meta information (cf. subsection 4.2), specify a type system (cf. subsection 4.3), include corpus bookmarks (cf. subsection 4.4), or link predefined corpus templates (cf. subsection 4.5).

4.2 Corpus meta information

To edit the meta information of the corpus (which is displayed by the TIGERSearch and TIGERRegistry GUI), select the Meta tab in the corpus properties window (cf. screenshot below). Now you can edit the corpus meta information except the ID which cannot be changed after corpus creation:

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Specifying corpus meta information

4.3 Feature types

To specify a type hierarchy for a feature, you must first create an XML file comprising the hierarchy definition. The concept of feature types and its XML representation is described in section 8, chapter III. After creating the XML file, you have to register it. Please select the Types tab in the corpus properties window (cf. screenshot above). Now select the feature and type in the path to your file (absolute or relative to the corpus path). In the example, a relative link to the file tigerstts.xml in the corpus directory is specified:

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Specifying feature types

If there are any problems loading a type hierarchy in the TIGERSearch tool (e.g. if there is a feature value in the corpus that is not used in the hierarchy, or if there is a feature value used in the hierarchy that is unknown to the corpus), all warnings are collected and can be inspected within the TIGERSearch corpus documentation tab (cf. subsection 2.2, chapter IV).

4.4 Corpus bookmarks

One helpful feature of the TIGERSearch tool is the management of bookmarks (cf. subsection 2.3, chapter IV). Users can store their favourite bookmarks for later inspection or reuse. The so-called corpus bookmarks file can be linked to a corpus so that all users of the corpus have access to it.

To link a corpus bookmarks file to a corpus, select the Bookmarks tab in the corpus properties window. Type in the path to your bookmarks file (absolute or relative to the corpus path). In the example, a relative link to the file tigercorpus.xml in the corpus directory is specified:

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Specifying corpus bookmarks

4.5 Corpus templates

Templates definitions (cf. section 9, chapter III for an introduction) are stored in files, template files are organized in directories. In order to link a template collection to a corpus, you have to specify the root directory of your collection. Select the Templates tab in the corpus properties window and type in the path to the templates root directory (absolute or relative to the corpus path). In the example, a relative link to the directory templates/ is specified:

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Specifying corpus templates

If there are any problems loading the templates in the TIGERSearch tool (e.g. if one of the templates is not wellformed), all warnings are collected and can be inspected within the TIGERSearch corpus documentation tab (cf. subsection 2.2, chapter IV).