9.4 Exporting with XSLT

Of course, users can first export a TIGER-XML file and afterwards process the XML file with an external stylesheet. However, TIGERSearch offers the feature to do it all in one step. Just choose XML piped through XSLT as your export format and choose one of the predefined stylesheets:

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Stylesheet selection

TIGERSearch is delivered with several predefined stylesheets. If you have created additional stylesheets you can link your stylesheets into TIGERSearch. The linking mechanism is explained in subsection 10.2.

Some interesting predefined stylesheets are now illustrated by a match of the corpus query [cat="NP"]:

sentence format (all tokens): tokens separated by blanks, sentences separated by line breaks

Minister heizt Debatte über Sterbehilfe an

sentence format (tokens+pos): same as above, but each token is annotated with a part-of-speech tag in the token/pos format

Minister/NN heizt/VVFIN Debatte/NN über/APPR Sterbehilfe/NN an/PTKVZ

bracketing format: UPenn-style bracketing format

( (S (NN-SB Minister)
     (VVFIN-HD heizt)
     (NP-OA (NN-NK Debatte)
            (PP-MNR (APPR-AC über)
                    (NN-NK Sterbehilfe)))
     (PTKVZ-SVP an)) )

Please note: If a corpus graph comprises crossing edges, the tokens of the graph may get disordered. An adequate linguistic representation using traces has not been implemented in this stylesheet.

context-free rules: lists all rules used in the corpus annotation (dublicates are not removed)


corpus graph numbers: list of corpus graph numbers separated by blanks which can be imported by the Annotate tool (cf. http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/sfb378/negra-corpus/annotate.html)

26743 26745 26746 26747 26748 26750 ...