4.3 Nodes

Input field

After switching to the Graphical mode you can see the horizontally divided input field. Be sure that either the Move/Create tool or the Create tool is activated (cf. subsection 4.6). By clicking into the upper part, phrase nodes (so-called inner nodes or nonterminal nodes) will be created. A left button mouse click into the bottom area creates a token (so-called leaf nodes or terminal node).

Please note: Because of the divided input field either phrase nodes or token nodes can be created. An unspecified node cannot be created.

The different parts of a node

The different parts of a node are separated by small lines. You can disable these lines (so-called plug borders) via the context menu (cf. subsection 4.7).

Figure: A phrase node with its four plugs, the node menu, and the feature constraints area.

The four (token nodes: three) plugs are used to create edges (cf. subsection 4.5). The darker inner area contains the node specification (cf. subsection 4.4).

Node menu

Every node has a pull down menu in its upper left corner. Use this menu to delete the node and to enable or disable graph predicates (cf. subsection 7.3, chapter III).

Figure: The menu of a phrase node (left) and of a token node (right).

The (token)arity and (dis)continuous predicates are only useful for phrase nodes.

Delete Node
Deletes the node, including its feature constraints and all edges starting or ending at this node.

Enables/disables the root predicate. Only one node might use the root predicate. If you specify this predicate on one node, the root predicate will be disabled on all other nodes. The root predicate is visualized by disabling the dominance top plug (all edges ending at this node will be deleted) and displaying a red triangle instead.

Arity is ...
Shows/hides an input field for the arity value below the inner node specification area.

Arity range from ... to ...
Shows/hides two input fields for the start and end arity values below the inner node specification area.

Tokenarity is ...
Shows/hides an input field for the tokenarity value below the inner node specification area.

Tokenarity range from ... to ...
Shows/hides two input fields for the start and end tokenarity values below the inner node specification area.

Enables/disables the node predicate continuous. By enabling this predicate the predicate discontinuous will be disabled, because both predicates cannot be enabled at the same time.

Enables/disables the node predicate discontinuous. By enabling this predicate the predicate continuous will be disabled, because both predicates cannot be enabled at the same time.

Arity and tokenarity

After enabling an arity or tokenarity predicate via the node menu, input fields are shown below the inner node specification area at the bottom of the node. One input field for entering the exact (token)arity value is shown if the predicate (token)arity is ... is selected. If (token)arity range from ... to ... is selected, two input fields are shown: the left for the start value and the right for the end value of the range.

Figure: The arity and tokenarity input fields are only shown if the predicate is enabled.

The values can be changed by either typing in a new value or by pressing the increase or decrease button, which are shown at the right of the input field when the mouse cursor is over the input field or the input field is activated (see screenshot above).

Continuous and discontinuous

Only one of the continuous or the discontinuous node predicates can be set. These predicates are visualized by the non-crossing edges and the crossing edges symbol at the bottom of the node.

Figure: The (dis)continuous predicate visualized by the (non-)crossing edges symbol.