4.7 Context Menu

Popping up the context menu depends on the platform. Either the second or third mouse button has to be pressed or released. The context menu and its submenus are shown below:

Figure: The context menu and its submenus.


Deletes all selected objects. Edges cannot be selected but will be deleted if the start or end node is deleted. Nodes are also deleted if only a node plug is selected.

Select All

If the context menu is called from the inner node specification area, all feature constraints of the current node are selected.


Removes the current selection.

View - Stepped Lines

The dominance relation can be visualized either by stepped lines (cf. TIGERGraphViewer) or by a straight line edge:

Figure: Stepped lines (left), straight lines (right).

View - Node Plug Borders

To point out the different areas of a node (cf. subsection 4.3) small lines show the borderlines. These lines can be disabled.

Figure: Nodes with (left) or without (right) node plug borders.


The textual representation of the graphical query can be saved for later use as a bookmark (cf. subsection 3.4). Selecting Add Bookmark To Main Group adds the textual representation of the current graphical query into the main group of the bookmark folder, Add Bookmark To Current Group will add a bookmark into the currently selected bookmark folder.

Please note: In the current version, the graphical query representation cannot be saved for later usage.

Export - As Image

The current graphical query can be exported as an image. There are five export formats available:

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic)
An XML-based vector graphics format. This means that images can be scaled without loss of quality.

TIF (Tag Image File Format)

PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

JPG (JPEG File Interchange Format)

PDF (Portable Document Format)

Please click to enlarge!

Figure: Export As Image dialog.

Export - Textual Query to Clipboard

The textual representation of the current graphical query is copied to the clipboard to be used in other applications.

Switch to Textual Mode

The textual representation of the current graphical query will be copied to the text query editor of TIGERSearch (cf. section 3). The query text can now be modified and submitted.

Please note: In the current version of TIGERSearch a textual query cannot be converted to a graphical query (cf. subsection 4.1).