Time: | September 26, 2010 |
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The Workshop on Interactive Visual Analysis for Natural Language Processing will be held on September 17, 2010, in Vaihingen (Stuttgart), Germany. The workshop will be organized by the StatNLP and VIS groups from the University of Stuttgart.
The goal of the workshop is to promote the use of visual analytics to enhance natural language processing. It is an ideal place to present past or current work using visual analytics with NLP and discuss unique problems and opportunities that text processing presents for visual analytics.
The workshop will include presentations from three of the members of the SPP Scalable Visual Analytics program; short talks illustrating the types of data sets used for visual analytics and NLP; and also an invited talk by Prof. Leo Wanner, UPF.
To register, please send an email to Charles Jochim.
IVA4NLP 2010 is sponsored by the DFG priority program SPP Scalable Visual Analytics and follows up on the successful Visual Document Analytics workshop in Leipzig.
Call for Participation: Data/Methods Session
SPP 1335 "Scalable Visual Analytics"