Experiment and Annotation Data at the IMS

An overview of the experiment and annotation data available at the IMS

Below you will find an overview of experiment and annotation data developed at the IMS.

Experiment and Annotation Data of the IMS

Title Description
-ment derivative disambiguation data This is the companion dataset to the Lapesa et al. 2018 article
Analogies in German Particle Verb Meaning Shifts Analogies in German Particle Verb Meaning Shifts
Association Norms Association norms for German, English and Italian
Automatically Generated Norms of Abstractness, Arousal, Imageability and Valence for German Lemmas This resource contains a collection of 350 000 German lemmatised words, rated on four psycholinguistic attributes. All ratings were obtained via a supervised learning algorithm that automatically calculates a numerical rating for each word and each affective attribute
Automatically detected non-recorded word senses in English and Swedish (NRS EN/SV) This data collection contains English and Swedish word sense annotations from which non-recorded senses can be derived.
Automatically generated norms for emotions & affective norms for 2.2m German Words & Analogy Dataset Ratings for German This resource contains a collection of 2.2million German words, rated on 9 affective norms. All ratings were obtained via a supervised learning algorithm that automatically calculates a numerical rating for each word and each affective...
Clarifying Insertions from Revision Edits (CLAIRE) Clarifying Insertions from Revision Edits (CLAIRE)
Code and Data for Hierarchical Embeddings for Hypernymy Detection and Directionality This page contains supplementary material for the paper 'Hierarchical Embeddings for Hypernymy Detection and Directionality'.
Compositionality Ratings Compositionality ratings are human ratings on the degree of compositionality of compounds
DWUG DE Sense DWUG DE Sense: Historical word sense annotations in German
Data and Implementation for State-of-the-Art Sentiment Model Evaluation Data and Implementation for State-of-the-Art Sentiment Model Evaluation
Database of Paradigmatic Semantic Relation Pairs The database is a collection of semantically related word pairs in German which was compiled via human judgement experiments hosted on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Dataset of Directional Arrows for German Particle Verbs Dataset of Directional Arrows for German Particle Verbs
Dataset of Human Judgements on Metaphorical Expressions in Discourse Synonymous Metaphorical and Literal Expressions in Discourse
Dataset of Literal and Non-Literal Language Usage for German Particle Verbs Dataset of Literal and Non-Literal Language Usage for German Particle Verbs
Dataset of Sentence Generation for German Particle Verb Neologisms Dataset of Sentence Generation for German Particle Verb Neologisms
Dia-Comp-NN A collection of diachronic in-context human ratings on meaning relatedness and changes for English and German noun-noun compounds
Diachronic Usage Relatedness (DURel) Test Set and Annotation Data
Domain-Specific Dataset of Difficulty Ratings for German Noun Compounds Domains: DIY, Cooking and Automotive
Emotion Confidence Emotion annotations in COCA
Emotion Stimulus Detection: Data and Implementation Data and Implementation for English Emotion Stimulus Detection
Experiencers, Stimuli, or Targets: Which Semantic Roles Enable Machine Learning to Infer the Emotions? Data and Implementation
Feature Norms Feature norms are short descriptions of typical attributes for a set of objects
Fine-grained Compound Termhood Annotation Dataset Fine-grained Termhood Prediction for German Compound Terms using Neural Networks
Grammaticalization of German Prepositions Test set containing 206 German prepositions with 4 different levels of grammaticalization
IMS at EmoInt-2017, Code and Resources This page contains the code and resources used by our system submission for the WASSA Emotion Intensity Shared Task (EmoInt). Our system (IMS) scored 2nd out of 22
Image Generation Experiment-Daten Bilderzeugung
Instantiation and Hypernymy Detection The datasets are associated with the paper 'Instances and concepts in distributional space'.
Large-Scale Collection of English Antonym and Synonym Pairs across Word Classes This dataset contains antonymous and synonymous pairs across adjective, noun and verb classes. These antonymous and synonymous pairs were collected from WordNet and Wordnik resources
Lexical Contrast Dataset for Antonym-Synonym Distinction Lexical Contrast Dataset for Antonym-Synonym Distinction
Lexical Substitution Emotion Style Transfer Lexical Substitution Emotion Style Transfer
Lost in Back-Translation Model and Implementation for Emotion Analysis and Transfer
Metaphoric Change Test Set and Annotation Data
PAP A Dataset for Physical and Abstract Plausibility
Recipe Categorization – Supplementary Information Recipe Categorization – Supplementary Information
Resources for Modeling Derivation Using Methods from Distributional Semantics Resources for Modeling Derivation Using Methods from Distributional Semantics
Simulation of Lexical Semantic Change Corpus pair and change values simulated from SemCor
Source–Target Domains and Directionality for German Particle Verbs Source–Target Domains and Directionality for German Particle Verbs
Synchronic Usage Relatedness (SURel) Test Set and Annotation Data
Term Annotation Laypeople A collection of judgements of laypeople, rather than experts, and specify on analysing their (dis-)agreements on common assumptions and core issues in term identification: the word classes of terms, the identification of ambiguous terms, and the relations between complex terms and possibly included subterms
Vietnamese dataset for similarity and relatedness This dataset consists of two kinds of datasets: The first dataset, namely ViCon, comprises pairs of synonyms and antonymys across noun, verb, and adjective classes, offerring data to distinguish between similarity and dissimilarity. The second dataset ViSim-400 is a dataset of semantic relation pairs which contains degrees of similarity across five semantic relations, as rated by human judges
Word Usage Graphs (WUGs) Word Usage Graphs (WUGs) represent usages of a word as nodes in a graph which are connected by weighted edges representing semantic proximity.

Experiment Data of the IMS


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