EAGLES (Expert Advisory Group on Linguistic Engineering Standards)
- Short description
EAGLES work groups deal with possibilities of standardization of computational lexicons, textual corpora and their annotations, as well as with proposals for establishment of a basic shared formalism for lexical and grammatical specifications, with problems of standardization in speech and spoken language resources and with procedures and metrics for evaluation and assessment of NLP components, tools and resources.
IMS contributes to the work groups on formalisms, lexicons and corpora. An IMS researcher has been appointed ``internal editor'' of the lexicon group. The project on textual corpora (TC) is an ``affiliated project'' of the group on corpora. IMS participation concerns typed feature logic based formalisms, morphosyntactic, syntactic and semantic description in lexicons and morphosyntactic corpus tagging. IMS is responsible for the production of a final report on the outcome of the lexicon work group (editorship).
- Long description
See also the The EAGLES Home Page
Companies and research institutes involved in European NLP projects, e.g. under ESPRIT, EUREKA, LRE.
Framework: EAGLES is a set of work groups organized on behalf of the DG XIII E 4 of the Commission of the European Community, Luxembourg, under the LRE programme.
Description of the project: EAGLES work groups deal with possibilities of standardization of computational lexicons, textual corpora and their annotations, as well as with proposals for establishment of a basic shared formalism for lexical and grammatical specifications, with problems of standardization in speech and spoken language resources and with procedures and metrics for evaluation and assessment of NLP components, tools and resources.
IMS contributes to the work groups on formalisms, lexicons and corpora. An IMS researcher has been appointed ``internal editor'' of the lexicon group. The project on textual corpora (TC) is an ``affiliated project'' of the group on corpora. IMS participation concerns typed feature logic based formalisms, morphosyntactic, syntactic and semantic description in lexicons and morphosyntactic corpus tagging. IMS is responsible for the production of a final report on the outcome of the lexicon work group (editorship).
Duration: 02-1993 through 08-1995. The workload invested into EAGLES is made available for free. IMS receives travel reimbursements and funds for secretarial support.
IMS Contact Point: Ulrich Heid (uli@ims.uni-stuttgart.de)
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