Special Research Program (Sonderforschungsbereich 340) "Linguistic Foundations for Computational Linguistics"
- Term
- Short description
The central idea of the Sonderforschungsbereich 340 (SFB 340) is to make insights and results of linguistic theories utilizable for the development of computational linguistics. Research concentrates on the requirements and standards which have to be fulfilled in order to successfully integrate structural descriptions of linguistic phenomena and algorithmic realizations of linguistic processes within the development of language-understanding and/or language-generating systems.
- Sponsor
German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Long description
Participating Institutions
- University of Stuttgart (IMS)
- University of Tübingen (Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft)
Participating Subject Areas
Computational lingusitics, computer science, logic, theoretical linguistics, semantics, theorem proving
The basic goal of the Collaborative Research Center is to encourage interaction between theoretical and computional linguistics. Its point of departure is the idea that, on the one hand, computational linguistics and its applications should be based on a theoretically sound analysis of natural language; and that, on the other, the results of natural language engineering can and should contribute to the development of theoretical linguistics. Research accordingly aims at the successful integration of structural descriptions of linguistic phenomena and algorithmic realizations of linguistics processes in the development of language-understanding and -generating systems. Altogether, the Research Center consists of nine subprojects, four of which are located at the IMS. The areas that these subprojects focus on are theoretical syntax (GB, HPSG, LFG) and semantics (DRT) and their application to automatic text analysis.
Project areas and component projects of the 4th phase, 1998-2000
(see: 3rd phase, 1995-1997)
- (A) Syntax, Semantics and Prosody - Focus: theory
- A3 (Tü) Central and peripheral aspects of the grammar of complex sentences in German (Prof. Reis)
- A7 (Tü) Interpretational mechanisms for Logical Form (Prof. von Stechow, Dr. Sternefeld)
- A8 (Tü) Operational and declarative semantics of grammatical systems - between derivation and logical characterization (Prof. Mönnich)
- A10 (S/Tü) Comparison and synthesis of Discourse Representation Theory, Lexical Semantic Form and Transparent Logical Form (Prof. Bierwisch, Prof. Kamp, Prof. von Stechow)
- A12 (S) Underspecification in context (Apl.Prof. Reyle)
- (B) Syntax, Semantics, and Prosody - Focus: Natural Language Engineering
- B7 (S) Statistical Grammar Models and Lexicon Acquisition (Prof. Rooth)
- B8 (Tü) Domain-specific processing of Constraint-Based Grammars - Theoretical foundations and implementation of an HPSG fragment of German (Prof. Hinrichs, Dr. Gerdemann)
- B9 (S) Computational Semantics (Prof.Kamp, Apl.Prof. Reyle)
- B12 (S) Methods for extending, maintaining and optimizing a large grammar of German (Prof. Rohrer)
Target Groups
Research and development organizations in the areas of natural language understanding and theoretical linguistics.
See also: the list of German SFBs
- Team
Prof. Dr. Christian Rohrer
Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
D-70174 Stuttgart
Telefon: ++49 (0)711-685-81364
Telefax: ++49 (0)711-685-81366
EMail: Christian.Rohrer@IMS.Uni-Stuttgart.DEOffice
Universitüt Stuttgart
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
Sonderforschungsbereich 340
Pfaffenwaldring 5b
D-70569 Stuttgart
EMail: SFB340-Infos@IMS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE - Publications
Technical Reports
The Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft at Tübingen maintains a list of SFB340 reports, many of which are available online.
General Contact IMS
Pfaffenwaldring 5 b, 70569 Stuttgart
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