CPM Corpus: An emotion corpus annotated with emotion components

A reannotation of Twitter and Literature data following Scherer's emotion theory

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Felix Casel, Amelie Heindl, Roman Klinger


We reannotate parts of the TEC corpus and the REMAN corpus following the emotion component process model by Scherer, namely that the emotion is communicated by describing an event appraisal, a bodily reaction, an action tendency, a subjective feeling or an expression. In the associated paper, we show that emotions are communicated differently in social media and literature and that emotion component prediction improves emotion classification.


Felix Casel, Amelie Heindl, and Roman Klinger.
Emotion recognition under consideration of the emotion component process model.
In Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2021), Düsseldorf, Germany, 2021.
German Society for Computational Linguistics & Language Technology.

This image shows Roman Klinger

Roman Klinger

Prof. Dr.

Visiting Professor

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