Europarl Nominal Compound Database
- Type
- Author
Patrick Ziering
- Description
The Europarl Nominal Compound Database (ENCD) was automatically extracted from Europarl v7 of OPUS (Tiedemann, 2012 [2]).
This database contains English nominal compounds and their equivalents in up to nine languages:- Danish
- Dutch
- English (pivot)
- French
- German
- Greek
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Spanish
- Swedish
We provide several versions of the database (ranging from optimal recall (CCR0) to optimal precision (CCR4)).
Keywords: noun compound, compound noun, multilingual, cross-lingual, multi-word expression, database, list, resource, dataset
- Reference
[1] Patrick Ziering and Lonneke van der Plas
What good are 'Nominalkomposita' for 'noun compounds':
Multilingual Extraction and Structure Analysis of Nominal Compositions using Linguistic Restrictors
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2014.[2] Jörg Tiedemann
Parallel data, tools and interfaces in OPUS.
Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2012. - Download
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