- Term
May 2012 - April 2015
- PI
Jonas Kuhn
- Short description
Multipe collective identities in international debates regarding war and peace since the end of the Cold War. Language technology tools and methods for the analysis of multi-lingual text in the social sciences.
- Sponsor
German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
- Long description
The eIdentity project is constituted by the University of Stuttgart, the University of Hildesheim and the University of Potsdam. We are concerned with the question of multiple collective identities evolve in political crises and how the identity discourses change over time. The studies are based on a large corpus of newspaper articles in three different languages.The coordinator of the project is Prof. Cathleen Kantner at University of Stuttgart. Here is their project website.
- Team
- Publications
- Blessing, A., Kliche, F., Heid, U., Kantner, C. und Kuhn, J. (2015, in print) ‘Computerlinguistische Werkzeuge zur Erschließung und Exploration großer Textsammlungen aus der Perspektive fachspezifischer Theorie’, in C. Baum und T. Stäcker (Hrsg.), Sonderband 1 der Zeitschrift für Digital Humanities. URL: http://fvmww.diphda.uberspace.de/computerlinguistische-werkzeuge-zur-erschlie%C3%9Fung-und-exploration-gro%C3%9Fer-textsammlungen-aus-der.
- Blessing, A., Stegmann, J., Kuhn, J. (2012) ‘SOA meets Relation Extraction: Less may be more in Interaction', in Proceedings of the Workshop on Service-oriented Architectures (SOAs) for the Humanities: Solutions and Impacts, Digital Humanities’, pp. 6-11.
- Blessing, Andre; Schütze, Hinrich (2012) ‚Crosslingual distant supervision for extracting relations of different complexity, in Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management’, pp. 1123-1132 ACM.
- Blessing, A., Sonntag, J., Kliche, F., Heid, U., Kuhn, J., Stede, M. (2013) ‘Towards a tool for interactive concept building for large scale analysis in the humanities’. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Sofia, Bulgaria. pp. 55–64. URL: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W13-2708.
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