
The full spectrum of computational linguistics

The strength of IMS is its versatility: the institute represents the full spectrum of the field of computational linguistics. We consider theory and application -- written and spoken language -- form and content. In addition, we have a successful history of collaboration with neighboring disciplines: in particular computer science and linguistics, but also psychology social sciences, and literary studies ("digital humanities").

IMS has been and is involved in a number of research projects. Some of these are funded by public bodies (German Science Foundation, German Federal Ministries, European Commission) or foundations (Volkswagen foundation and others). Other projects are cooperations with industrial partners. We are part of the research of the University of Stuttgart.

Larger research projects with IMS participation included CRC 732, CRC 340, Verbmobil. Currently we are involved in IRIS.


General Contact IMS

Pfaffenwaldring 5 b, 70569 Stuttgart


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  • If you have any problems with the website, please directly contact the webmaster.
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