- Type
- Author
Agnieszka Falenska, Zoltán Czesznak, Kerstin Jung, Moritz Völkel, Wolfgang Seeker, Jonas Kuhn
- Description
GRAIN-S is a set of manually created syntactic annotations for radio interviews in German. The dataset extends an existing corpus GRAIN and comes with constituency and dependency trees for six interviews.
- Reference
Agnieszka Falenska, Zoltán Czesznak, Kerstin Jung, Moritz Völkel, Wolfgang Seeker, and Jonas Kuhn. GRAIN-S: manually annotated syntax for German interviews. Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference.
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- Merged -- a merged version of TIGER-style constituency trees from two different annotators
- Annotator 1, Annotator 2 -- separate versions from the two annotators
- Dependency trees -- a dependency conversion of the merged trees (a result of tiger2dep-1.3)
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