NLI corpora (Stehwien & Pado 2015)
- Type
- Author
Sebastian Padó, Sabrina Stehwien
- Description
This page contains the data for the paper "Generalization in Native Language Identification -- Learners versus Scientists" (Stehwien & Pado CLiC 2015).
- Downloads
- nli-corpus_documentation.txt README
- ACL-NLI.tgz ACL NLI corpus as used (preprocessed files, 3 MB)
- acl_ids.txt ACL NLI corpus as used (document IDs)
- icle_ids.txt ICLE corpus as used (document IDs only, for copyright reasons)
- lang8_ids.txt Lang8 corpus as used (document IDs only, for copyright reasons)
- Lang8-Scripts.tgz Lang8 scraper to recreate the Lang8 corpus
Sebastian Padó
Prof. Dr.Chair of Theoretical Computational Linguistics, Managing Director of the IMS