Synchronic Usage Relatedness (SURel)

Testset and Annotation Data for Semantic Divergences between SdeWaC and COOK Corpus

Synchronic Usage Relatedness (SURel)




Anna Hätty, Dominik Schlechtweg, Sabine Schulte im Walde


This data collection contains synchronic semantic relatedness judgments for German word usage pairs drawn from general language and the domain of cooking. Find a description of the data format, code to process the data and further datasets on the WUGsite.

  • testset: a semantic meaning shift test set with 22 German lexemes exhibiting different degrees of meaning shifts from general language to the domain of cooking. The 'mean relatedness score' denotes the annotation-based measure of semantic shift described in the paper. 'frequency GEN' and 'frequency SPEC' list the frequencies of the target words in the general-language corpus (GEN) and the domain-specific cooking corpus (SPEC). 'translations' provides English translations across senses, illustrating possible meaning shifts. Note that further senses might exist.
  • tables: the annotated table of each annotator.
  • plots: data visualization plots.

We provide additional data under misc/. Please find more information on the provided data in the paper referenced below.


Anna Hätty, Dominik Schlechtweg, Sabine Schulte im Walde. 2019. SURel: A Gold Standard for Incorporating Meaning Shifts into Term Extraction. In Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM). Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2019.


The resources are freely available.

Related Resources
  • WOCC: corpora from which the uses for annotation were sampled.
  • DURel: parallely annotated diachronic data set.
  • WUGs: Word Usage Graphs.
  • DURel Tool: semantic annotation tool for sentence pairs of a word.
  • Metaphoric Change: similarly annotated diachronic data set for metaphoric change.
This image shows Dominik Schlechtweg

Dominik Schlechtweg


Junior research group leader

This image shows Sabine Schulte im Walde

Sabine Schulte im Walde

Prof. Dr.

Akademische Rätin (Associate Professor)

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