CRETA - Center for Reflected Text Analytics
- Term
January 2016 - December 2020
- PI
Jonas Kuhn, Sebastian Padó (Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung), Manuel Braun (Institut für Literaturwissenschaft / Germanistische Mediävistik), Thomas Ertl (Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme), Sabine Holtz (Historisches Institut / Landesgeschichte), Cathleen Kantner (Institut für Sozialwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen und Europäische Integration), Catrin Misselhorn (Institut für Philosophie / Wissenschaftstheorie und Technikphilosophie), Sandra Richter (Institut für Literaturwissenschaft / Neuere Deutsche Literatur I), Achim Stein (Institut für Linguistik / Romanistik), Claus Zittel (Stuttgart Research Centre for Text Studies)
- Short description
The "Center for Reflected Text Analytics" (CRETA) focuses on the development of technical tools and a general workflow methodology for text analysis within Digital Humanities. Of particular importance is the transparency of tools and traceability of results, such that they can be employed in a critically-reflected way. CRETA is a collaboration project with partners from studies of literature, language, history, politics, philosophy, and computational linguistics and data visualization.
- Sponsor
German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
- Long description
The "Center for Reflected Text Analytics" (CRETA) focuses on the development of technical tools and a general workflow methodology for text analysis within Digital Humanities. Of particular importance is the transparency of tools and traceability of results, such that they can be employed in a critically-reflected way. CRETA is a collaboration project with partners from studies of literature, language, history, politics, philosophy, and computational linguistics and data visualization.
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