Center for Reflected Text Analytics

CRETA - Center for Reflected Text Analytics

January 2016 - December 2020
Jonas Kuhn, Sebastian Padó (Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung), Manuel Braun (Institut für Literaturwissenschaft / Germanistische Mediävistik), Thomas Ertl (Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme), Sabine Holtz (Historisches Institut / Landesgeschichte), Cathleen Kantner (Institut für Sozialwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen und Europäische Integration), Catrin Misselhorn (Institut für Philosophie / Wissenschaftstheorie und Technikphilosophie), Sandra Richter (Institut für Literaturwissenschaft / Neuere Deutsche Literatur I), Achim Stein (Institut für Linguistik / Romanistik), Claus Zittel (Stuttgart Research Centre for Text Studies)
Short description

The "Center for Reflected Text Analytics" (CRETA) focuses on the development of technical tools and a general workflow methodology for text analysis within Digital Humanities. Of particular importance is the transparency of tools and traceability of results, such that they can be employed in a critically-reflected way. CRETA is a collaboration project with partners from studies of literature, language, history, politics, philosophy, and computational linguistics and data visualization.

German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Long description

The "Center for Reflected Text Analytics" (CRETA) focuses on the development of technical tools and a general workflow methodology for text analysis within Digital Humanities. Of particular importance is the transparency of tools and traceability of results, such that they can be employed in a critically-reflected way. CRETA is a collaboration project with partners from studies of literature, language, history, politics, philosophy, and computational linguistics and data visualization.

CRETA Project Page


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