DELIS - Descriptive Lexical Specifications
- Term
1993 - 1995
- Short description
In a cooperation between computational and theoretical linguists, lexicographers and software builders, tools for the corpus-based construction of lexicons are developed. These tools support the acquisition of linguistic evidence from textual corpora, as well as the construction, maintenance and prototyping-like stepwise enhancement of lexical descriptions in the format of typed feature structures. Parallel dictionary fragments for the major lexical semantic classes of English, French, Italian, Danish and Dutch will be described, at the levels of syntax and semantics, including in particular the interaction between the two levels. The representation of lexical descriptions and the tools for population of dictionary models and for model evolution will be based on the typed feature structure system, TFS, an implementation of typed feature logics developed in a previous project of the institute, since 1988.
- Sponsor
Funded partly by DG XIII E 4 of the Commission of the European Community, Luxembourg (under the LRE programme, Linguistic Research and Engineering)
- Long description
In a cooperation between computational and theoretical linguists, lexicographers and software builders, tools for the corpus-based construction of lexicons are developed. These tools support the acquisition of linguistic evidence from textual corpora, as well as the construction, maintenance and prototyping-like stepwise enhancement of lexical descriptions in the format of typed feature structures. Parallel dictionary fragments for the major lexical semantic classes of English, French, Italian, Danish and Dutch will be described, at the levels of syntax and semantics, including in particular the interaction between the two levels. The representation of lexical descriptions and the tools for population of dictionary models and for model evolution will be based on the typed feature structure system, TFS, an implementation of typed feature logics developed in a previous project of the institute, since 1988.
Funded partly by DG XIII E 4 of the Commission of the European Community, Luxembourg (under the LRE programme, Linguistic Research and Engineering)
- Center for Sprogteknologi at Kobenhavns Universitet
- Research Unit for Computational Linguistics, Helsingin Yliopisto
- Linguacubun Ltd., London
- Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR, Università di Pisa
- Sonovision ITEP Technologies, Paris
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Van Dale publishers, Utrecht
- Université de Clermont-Ferrand
- Den Danske Ordbog
- Oxford University Press
- Publications
Publications dealing with work of the DELIS project:
Antonietta Alonge: ``Semantica lessicale e proprietà sintattiche dei verbi di movimento italiani: analisi di dati acquisiti da dizionari di macchina e da un corpus testuale computerizzato'' in: Atti del III Convegno Internazionale della S.I.L.F.I., Perugia; 1995.
Beryl T.S. Atkins: ``Analyzing the verbs of seeing: a frame semantics approach to corpus lexicography'', in: S. Gahl, C. Johnson, A. Dolbey (Eds.): Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, 1994, BLS, University of California, Berkeley, Ca.; 1995.
Beryl T. S. Atkins: ``Word Meaning as a Gestalt: A Frame-Semantics Approach to Lexical Description, in: Yael Ravin (Ed.): Polysemy, (Oxford: OUP), 1995.
Anna Braasch: ``There's no accounting for taste - except in dictionaries'' in: W. Martin, W. Meijs, M. Moerland, E. ten Pas, P. van Sterkenburg, P. Vossen (Eds.), Euralex 1994, Proceedings, Amsterdam, 1994.
Nicoletta Calzolari: ``Some observations on Corpus-based linguistic analysis of Italian speech act verbs, in: John Sinclair (Ed.): Proceedings of the Malvern Seminar on Corpus-based multilingual lexicography; 1995.
Martin Emele: ``TFS - The Typed Feature Structure Representation Formalism'', in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Sharable Natural Language Resources (SNLR), Nara, Japan, 1994.
Martin Emele: ``TFS - The Typed Feature Structure Representation Formalism'', in: Uszkoreit (Ed.) 1993: Proceedings of the EAGLES workshop on implemented formalisms, (Saarbrücken: DKFI), DFKI report, 1993.
Martin Emele, Ulrich Heid: ``Delis: tools for corpus based lexicon building, in: Proceedings of Konvens-94, (Heidelberg: Springer) 1994, [= Informatik Xpress 6].
Charles Fillmore: ``Frame semantics and perception verbs'', contribution to the Dagstuhl Seminar on universals in the lexicon, in: Hans Kamp, James Pustejovsky (Eds.): Universals in the Lexicon: At the Intersection of Lexical Semantic Theories, 1993, ms., Dagstuhl.
Fillmore, Charles J. (1995) ``The Hard Road from Verbs to Nouns'' in: Matthew Chen and Ovid Tzeng (Eds.): In Honor of William S-Y. Wang, Pyramid Press
Ulrich Heid: ``Relating lexicon and corpus: computational support for corpus-based lexicon building in DELIS'', in: W. Martin, W. Meijs, M. Moerland, E. ten Pas, P. van Sterkenburg, P. Vossen (Eds.), Euralex 1994, Proceedings, Amsterdam, 1994.
Ulrich Heid: ``Zum Export lexikalischer Informationen aus Wörterbüchern von DELIS'', in: Wilfried Hoetker, Petra Ludewig (Eds.): Lexikonimport, Lexikonexport: Studien zur Wiederverwertung lexikalischer Information, (Tübingen: Niemeyer), 1996.
Ulrich Heid: ``Relating Parallel Monolingual Fragments for Translation Purposes'', in: Petra Steffens (Ed.): Machine Translation and the Lexicon, Proceedings of the Third International EAMT Workshop (April 1993), (Heidelberg: Springer), 1995.
Ulrich Heid: ``On the verification of lexical descriptions in text corpora'', in: Nico Weber (Ed.): Semantik, Lexikographie und Computeranwendungen, (Tübingen: Niemeyer); 1996.
Ulrich Heid: ``Creating a multilingual data collection for bilingual lexicography from parallel monolingual lexicons'', in Proceedings of the Euralex 1996 International Congress, Göteborg, August 1996.
Ulrich Heid, Katja Krüger: ``A multilingual lexicon based on Frame Semantics'', in: Proceedings of the AISB Workshop on Multilinguality in the Lexicon, Brighton, April 1-2, 1996.
Susanne Jauss: Regeln zur Abbildung von lexikalischen Beschreibungen in DELIS auf Corpus-Annotationen in ENGCG: Definition, Anwendung und Test, Studienarbeit, ms., Stuttgart: Universität Stuttgart, Institut für maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Computerlinguistik), September 1994.
Monica Monachini, Adriana Roventini: ``Italian Audition Verbs: A Corpus- and Frame-based analysis'', in: W. Martin, W. Meijs, M. Moerland, E. ten Pas, P. van Sterkenburg, P. Vossen (Eds.), Euralex 1994, Proceedings, Amsterdam, 1994. pp. 117-127.
Nicholas Ostler: ``Perception Vocabulary in Five Languages - Towards an Analysis Using Frame Elements'', in: Petra Steffens (Ed.): Machine Translation and the Lexicon, Proceedings of the Third International EAMT Workshop (April 1993), (Heidelberg: Springer), 1995.
Nicholas Ostler: ``Speech Act Vocabulary: does Hyponymy recapitulate Polysemy'', in: Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium: Representation and Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge: Polysemy Ambiguity and Generativity, 1995.
Sonja Schwenger: Korpusbasierte Erstellung von kontrastiven Lexikoneinträgen für Verben der olfaktiven Wahrnehmung, M.A. thesis, ms. 122 pp, (Stuttgart: Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Linguistik - Romanistik), Februar 1995.
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