Prof. Dr. Grzegorz Dogil † headed the former department of Experimental Phonetics at the IMS.
Research and teaching activities of the IMS in Experimental Phonetics comprise several major areas. Our research in General and Linguistic Phonetics has included the study of speech prosody, syllable structure, and the integration of phonetics and phonology. We are also investigating computational models of speech perception and production. Speech technology research includes speech synthesis, speech signal analysis, and the systematic linking of speech and text databases. In the area of Neurophonetics our group is studying the cognitive foundations of human speech production as well as neurological disorders of speech motor control. Please visit our audio-visual tutorial Sprache und Gehirn (in German) to find out more about this area.
Former Staff
Sabine Dieterle, M.A. | Secretary | +49-711-685-81379 | |
Dipl.-Inform. Edgar Hoch | System Administration Computational and technical infrastructure |
+49-711-685-81350 |
Prof. Dr. phil. habil Grzegorz Dogil | Professor and Chair | +49-711-685-81371 | |
Dr. techn. Dipl-Ing. Wolfgang Wokurek | Assistant Professor | +49-711-685-81383 | |
Dr. Dipl.-Ling. Antje Schweitzer | Assistant Professor | +49-711-685-81376 |
Research scientists, assistants and doctoral students
Dr. Jagoda Bruni, M.A. | Exemplar Theory (SFB 732, A2) | |
Dr. phil. Daniel Duran | Exemplar Theory (SFB 732, A2, A4) | |
Dr. Natalie Lewandowski, M.A. | Phonetic convergence (SFB 732, A4) | |
Dr. Arndt Riester | Information Structure (SFB 732, A1) | |
Dr. Dipl.-Ling. Katrin Schneider | Perception of prosody (SPP 1234) | |
Dr. Dipl.-Ling. Katrin Schweitzer | Prosody and information structure (SFB 732, A1) | |
Dr. Michael Walsh, B.A. Mod. | Exemplar Theory (SFB 732, A2, D5) |
Our current research projects are concentrated within the DFG collaborative research centre SFB 732.
We investigate the
- modelling of intonation, lexical and semantic aspects (project A1)
- modelling aspects of Exemplar Theory (project A2)
- modelling of convergence processes in speech and language (project A4)
- Sonderforschungsbereich 732
Incremental specification in context
(supported by DFG, 7/2006-6/2010)- Project A1: Incremental specification of focus and givenness in a discourse context
Project A2: Exemplar-based speech representation
Project A3: Incremental specification in speech
Project A4: Phonetic convergence in spontaneous speech
- Project A1: Incremental specification of focus and givenness in a discourse context
- Schwerpunktprogramm 1234
Sprachlautliche Kompetenz: Zwischen Grammatik, Signalverarbeitung und neuronaler Aktivität
- Prosody Acquisition
- SmartWeb
- Project: Speech synthesis in a system enabling mobile access to the Semantic Web
(supported by BMBF, 4/2004-3/2007)
- Project: Speech synthesis in a system enabling mobile access to the Semantic Web
- Prosody Production
- Project: A computational model of target oriented production of prosody
(supported by DFG, 10/2001-9/2004)
- Project: A computational model of target oriented production of prosody
- SmartKom
- Schwerpunktprogramm Sprachproduktion
- Speech Synthesis
- Project: Modeling of the linguistic context for speech synthesis
(supported by DFG; project completed)
- Project: Modeling of the linguistic context for speech synthesis
- Alignment Project
- Sonderforschungsbereich 340
- Project C4: Aspects of Prosodic Structure for Discourse Representation Theory
(supported by DFG; project completed)
- Project C4: Aspects of Prosodic Structure for Discourse Representation Theory
Partners in Germany
- Neurophonetics research group, at the Neurological Clinic, University of Tübingen
(Hermann Ackermann, Ingo Hertrich)- Access to physiological equipment (Electromagnetic Articulography EMA, ELITE-system); formant synthesis tuesyn.
- Experimental MRI of the CNS, at the Dept of Neuroradiology, University of Tübingen
(Walter Grodd)- Access to fMRI technique; joint project Neuroimaging of language production.
- University of Tübingen, Linguistics Department, Dr. phil. Petra Augurzky, Neurolinguistics, prosody syntax interface
- Language and speech therapy group
at the Hospital Bogenhausen, Munich
(Wolfram Ziegler)- Cooperation in the areas of clinical linguistics and neurolinguistics.
- Institute of Phonetics
at University of Saarbrücken
(Bernd Möbius, Manfred Pützer)- Cooperation in the areas of prosody, speech synthesis and modelling of voice quality.
- Language and speech research group
at Daimler-Benz Research Center
(Michael Weber)- The cooperation here concerns primarily automatic speech recognition. The research center in Ulm provides industrial internship opportunities for students.
- Advanced developments group
at Sony International (Europe) GmbH, Stuttgart
(Daniel Duran, Thomas Kemp)- Multimodal dialogue systems, speech technology.
International partners
Our Lab is a member of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
- Business School Research, University of Manchester, Dermot Lynott, Exemplar-theoretic investigations into intonation and the lexicon
- Center for Spoken Language Understanding (CSLU) at OGI School of Science and Engineering / Oregon Health and Science University, Beaverton, OR, USA
(Jan van Santen, Alexander Kain, Esther Klabbers) - Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), David House
- Laboratory of Language and Speech Technology, Institute of Linguistics, University of Poznan, Grazyna Demenko
- Memory and Language Lab, Arizona State University, Steve Goldinger
- Research unit Phonétique expérimentale et modélisation phonologique at CNRS-Paris III, France
(G. Nick Clements, Annie Rialland) - School of Linguistics and Applied Language Science, Victoria University of Wellington, Sasha Calhoun
- Simulation Technology, University of Arizona, Andrew Wedel
- Speech Synthesis group, Dept. of Speech and Image Processing Services Research at AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park, NJ, USA
(Juergen Schroeter, Mark Beutnagel, Alistair Conkie, Ann Syrdal)
Interesting Links
- Voice quality (Tutorial developed by Krzystof Marasek): EGG and voice quality
- Neurocognition of language (Tutorial developed by Jörg Mayer and Grzegorz Dogil): Sprache und Gehirn (in German)
- Download page for the open source IMS German Festival speech synthesis system
- Recordings in the Acoustics Lab: Manual
- Datentransfer mit DAT
- Helpdesk for audio in the student pool
- IMS German Festival documentation (IMS German Festival 1.2 (1.4.1))
- A short Festival tutorial
- Festival und CVS (German)
- CVS- und Cervisia-Manual (German; PostScript; Ursula Vollmer 11/2004)
- GToBI(S) Manual: Prosodic labeling for German (Jörg Mayer pdf-Versoin here)
- Annotieren von Intonation mit WaveSurfer (German; PDF; Katrin Schweitzer, 8/2006)
- Aligner: Usage and FAQ
- PaIntE intonation parametrization - FAQ
- Automatic Prosodic Aligner (ProsAlign)
- Praat Scripting Tutorial (Antje Schweitzer), data: here, solutions: here
General Contact IMS
Pfaffenwaldring 5 b, 70569 Stuttgart
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