Data for the Intensifiers in the context of emotions

Data for the papers: "Florian Strohm and Roman Klinger. An empirical analysis of the role of amplifiers, downtoners, and negations in emotion classification in microblogs.", and "Laura Ana Maria Bostan and Roman Klinger. Exploring fine-tuned embeddings that model intensifiers for emotion analysis."

Data for the Intensifiers in the context of emotions


Roman Klinger, Florian Strohm, and Laura Ana Maria Bostan


This website contains the Tweet-IDs and the labels used for the experiments in the paper.


Florian Strohm and Roman Klinger. An empirical analysis of the role of amplifiers, downtoners, and negations in emotion classification in microblogs. In The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Special Track on Sentiment, Emotion, and Credibility of Information in Social Data, DSAA, Turin, Italy, October 2018. IEEE.

Laura Ana Maria Bostan and Roman Klinger. Exploring fine-tuned embeddings that model intensifiers for emotion analysis. In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, Minneapolis, USA, June 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics.


The data for "Laura Ana Maria Bostan and Roman Klinger. Exploring fine-tuned embeddings that model intensifiers for emotion analysis" is available in this zip file.

This image shows Roman Klinger

Roman Klinger

Prof. Dr.

Visiting Professor

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