Pfaffenwaldring 5B
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 02.006
My research applies statistical methods to lexical-semantic phenomena, with a focus on the linguistic and cognitive plausibility of the computational approaches. Research topics include:
- automatic induction of semantic classifications and semantic relations,
- compositionality and meaning shifts of multi-word expressions,
- synchronic and diachronic ambiguity and figurative language usage,
- creation of datasets with human judgements on meaning components and meaning relatedness,
- evaluation of corpus-based semantic knowledge,
- application of models to lexicography, machine translation, terminology extraction.
I am an Associate Professor and affiliated with the Chair on Foundations of Computational Linguistics headed by Prof. Jonas Kuhn. For details on my research, my SemRel research group and my teaching check out my personal homepage and my project and team pages below.
since 01/2019 | Apl. Professor (Associate Professor) University of Stuttgart, Institute for Natural Language Processing. |
since 06/2012 | Akademische Rätin (Associate Professor) University of Stuttgart, Institute for Natural Language Processing. |
10/2011-12/2016 | DFG Heisenberg Fellow University of Stuttgart, Institute for Natural Language Processing. |
09/2010-09/2011 | Parental Leave |
10/2006-09/2011 | Post-Doc in Computational Linguistics in the Collaborative Research Centre 732 "Incremental Specification in Context". University of Stuttgart, Institute for Natural Language Processing. Project: Modular Lexicalisation of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars |
07/2008-07/2009 | Parental Leave |
06/2009 | Habilitation Saarland University, Faculty of Philosophy Thesis: Theoretical Adequacy, Human Data and Classification Approaches in Modelling Word Properties, Word Relatedness and Word Classes |
04/2004-09/2006 |
Post-Doc in Computational Linguistics in the International Graduate School Saarbrücken/Edinburgh "Language Technology and Cognitive Systems". |
04/2004-12/2004 | Freelancer Language Technology Brockhaus Duden Neue Medien GmbH. |
09/2003-03/2004 | Product Manager Language Technology Brockhaus Duden Neue Medien GmbH. |
08/2000-07/2003 |
PhD in Computational Linguistics in the Graduate School 609 "Linguistic Representations and their Interpretation". |
10/2001-11/2001 | Collaboration with Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus AG Project: Comparison of Lexical Verb Entries |
04/1999-07/2000 | Researcher in the Collaborative Research Centre 340 "Linguistic Theory and the Foundations of Computational Linguistics". University of Stuttgart, Institute for Natural Language Processing. Project: Statistical Grammar Models and Lexicon Acquisition |
10/1993-12/1998 | Diploma in Computational Linguistics University of Stuttgart, Institute for Natural Language Processing. Thesis: Automatic Semantic Classification of Verbs According to their Alternation Behaviour |
10/1996-09/1997 | MSc-Program in Cognitive Science and Natural Language University of Edinburgh, Centre for Cognitive Science. Thesis (Studienarbeit): Resolving Bridging Descriptions in High-Dimensional Space |
08/1990-07/1993 | Dual Studies in Computer Science for Industrial Requirements Berufsakademie Emsland e.V. in cooperation with Deilmann Erdöl Erdgas GmbH. Thesis (in German): Entwicklung eines Informationssystems zur Verwaltung und Überwachung der EDV-technischen Einrichtungen der Deilmann Erdöl Erdgas GmbH |
08/1983-07/1990 | Gymnasium Georgianum, Lingen (Ems) |
since 06/2024 | Principal Investigator of the DFG Research Grant SCHU 2580/7 MeTRapher: Learning to Translate Metaphors. |
since 07/2022 | Principal Investigator of the DFG Research Grant SCHU 2580/5 Computational Models of the Emergence and Diachronic Change of Multi-Word Expression Meaning (SemChangeMWE). |
since 03/2022 | Principal Investigator of the DFG Research Grant SCHU 2580/4 Multimodal Dimensions and Computational Applications of Abstractness (MUDCAT). |
10/2015-06/2018 | Principal Investigator of the DFG Project D11 (taken over from Lonneke van der Plas) in the Collaborative Research Centre 732 "Incremental Specification in Context": A Crosslingual Approach to the Analysis of Compound Nouns. |
07/2014-06/2018 | Principal Investigator of the DFG Project D12 in the Collaborative Research Centre 732 "Incremental Specification in Context": Sense Discrimination and Regular Meaning Shifts of German Particle Verbs. |
07/2014-06/2018 | Co-Director of the Integrated Research Training Group in the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 732 "Incremental Specification in Context". |
11/2011-02/2017 | Principal Investigator of the DFG Research Grant SCHU 2580/2: Distributional Approaches to Semantic Relatedness. |
10/2011-06/2014 | Principal Investigator of the DFG Project D6 (taken over from Sebastian Padó) in the Collaborative Research Centre 732 "Incremental Specification in Context": Lexical-Semantic Factors in Event Interpretation. |
10/2011-12/2016 | DFG Heisenberg Fellowship SCHU 2580/1 Homepage |
08/2000-07/2003 | DFG Doctoral Scholarship in the Graduate School 609 "Linguistic Representations and their Interpretation". |
The SemRel Group headed by Sabine Schulte im Walde performs research centered around modelling semantic relatednes between word meanings.
Current Team Members:
- Annerose Eichel, PhD Student (Hanns-Seidel Foundation; Robert Bosch GmbH)
- Chris Jenkins, PhD Student (SemChangeMWE Project)
- Urban Knupleš, PhD Student (MUDCAT and MeTRapher Projects)
- Filip Miletić, Post-Doc (SemChangeMWE Project)
- Prisca Piccirilli, PhD Student (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes; LMU Munich; MUDCAT and MeTRapher Projects)
- Tarun Tater, PhD Student (MUDCAT Project)
Former Team Members:
- Jeremy Barnes, PhD Student (SFB 732/MGK)
- Dr. Stefan Bott, Post-Doc (Heisenberg Group)
- Marco del Tredici, PhD Student (SFB 732/MGK)
- Marion Di Marco (née Weller), PhD Student (Heisenberg Group)
- Anna Hätty, PhD Student (Robert Bosch GmbH)
- Evangelia Kiagia, PhD Student (SFB 732/MGK)
- Maximilian Köper, PhD Student (SFB 732/D12)
- Gabriella Lapesa, PhD Student (SFB 732/MGK)
- Daniela Naumann, PhD Student (SFB 732/MGK)
- Kim-Anh Nguyen, PhD Student (Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training)
- Shunxian Pan, PhD Student
- Anita Ramm, PhD Student (SFB 732/MGK)
- Stephen Roller, PhD Student (SFB 732/MGK)
- Dr. Michael Roth, Post-Doc (Heisenberg Group)
- Dr. Silke Scheible, Post-Doc (Heisenberg Group)
- Dominik Schlechtweg, PhD Student (SFB/MGK; Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
- Sylvia Springorum, PhD Student (SFB 732/D12)