Pfaffenwaldring 5 b
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 02.020
Office Hours
By appointment (per email).
I head a research group (mostly) on computational semantics. That is, we are interested in developing software that enables computers to reason about the meaning of words and sentences.
You can find more details on the page of my research group.
Publications by Sebastian Padó:
- Troiano, E., Klinger, R., & Padó, S. (2023). On the Relationship between Frames and Emotionality in Text. Northern European Journal of Language Technology, 9(1), Article 1.
- Nikolaev, D., Baker, C., Petruck, M. R. L., & Padó, S. (2023). Adverbs, surprisingly. Proceedings of STARSEM.
- Nikolaev, D., & Padó, S. (2023). Investigating semantic subspaces of Transformer sentence embeddings through linear structural probing. Proceedings of the BlackboxNLP Workshop.
- Lehmann, J., & Padó, S. (2022). Clasificación de Tragedias y Comedias en las Comedias Nuevas de Calderón de la Barca. Revista de Humanidades Digitales, 7, 80–103.
- Padó, S., & Hole, D. (2022). Distributional Analysis of Polysemous Function Words. Proceedings of the 13th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation 2019, 13206.
- Lehmann, J., & Padó, S. (2022). Classification of comedies and tragedies written in Calderón de la Barca’s Comedias Nuevas. Zeitschrift Für Digitale Geisteswissenschaft, 7.
- Papay, S., Klinger, R., & Padó, S. (2022). Constraining Linear-chain CRFs to Regular Languages. Proceedings of ICLR.
- Sikos, J., Roth, M., & Padó, S. (2022). Improving Multilingual Frame Identification by Estimating Frame Transferability. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology, 19.
- Iordachioaia, G., Lapesa, G., Meyer, S., & Padó, S. (2021). Difference of first attestation dates as evidence for directionality in zero derivation. Proceedings of the DGfS Workshop on the Semantics of Derivational Morphology.
- Westera, M., Gupta, A., Boleda, G., & Padó, S. (2021). Distributional models of category concepts based on names of category members. Cognitive Science, 45(9), Article 9.
- Varvara, R., Lapesa, G., & Padó, S. (2021). Grounding Semantic Transparency In Context: A Distributional Semantic Study on German Event Nominalizations. Morphology, 31, 409–446.
- Padó, S. (2019). Entities as a window into distributional semantics. RANLP 2019.
- Frassinelli, D., Vigliocco, G., & Padó, S. (2019). Distributional Semantics reveals cross-cultural differences in food concepts. Proceedings of AmLaP.
- Sikos, J., & Padó, S. (2019). Frame Identification as Categorization: Exemplars vs Protoypes in Embeddingland. Proceedings of IWCS, 295--306.
- Lapesa, G., Kawaletz, L., Plag, I., Andreou, M., Kisselew, M., & Padó, S. (2018). Disambiguation of newly derived nominalizations in context: A Distributional Semantics approach. Word Structure, 11(3), Article 3.
- Buljan, M., Padó, S., & Snajder, J. (2018). Lexical Substitution for Evaluating Compositional Distributional Models. Proceedings of NAACL, 206–211.
- Pross, T., Rossdeutscher, A., Lapesa, G., & Padó, S. (2017). Integrating lexical-conceptual and distributional semantics: a case report. Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium, 75--84.
- Melymuka, M., Lapesa, G., Kisselew, M., & Padó, S. (2017). Modeling Derivational Morphology in Ukrainian. Proceedings of IWCS.
- Lapesa, G., Padó, S., Pross, T., & Rossdeutscher, A. (2017). Are doggies cuter than dogs? Emotional valence and concreteness in German derivational morphology. Proceedings of IWCS.
- Medić, Z., Šnajder, J., & Padó, S. (2017). Does Free Word Order Hurt? Assessing the Practical Lexical Function Model for Croatian. Proceedings of STARSEM.
- Gupta, A., Boleda, G., & Padó, S. (2017). Distributed Prediction of Relations for Entities: The Easy, The Difficult, and The Impossible. Proceedings of STARSEM.
- Boleda, G., Gupta, A., & Padó, S. (2017). Instances and concepts in distributional space. Proceedings of EACL, 79--85.
- Kisselew, M., Rimell, L., Palmer, A., & Padó, S. (2016). Predicting the Direction of Derivation in English conversion. Proceedings of the ACL SIGMORPHON Workshop, 93--98.
- Padó, S., Herbelot, A., Kisselew, M., & Snajder, J. (2016). Predictability of Distributional Semantics in Derivational Word Formation. Proceedings of COLING, 1285--1296.
- Padó, S., & Dagan, I. (2016). Textual Entailment. In R. Mitkov (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.
- Pross, T., Rossdeutscher, A., Padó, S., Lapesa, G., & Kisselew, M. (2016). “Over reference”: A comparative study on German prefix verbs. ESSLLI SemRefPlus Workshop: Referential Semantics One Step Further: Incorporating Insights from Conceptual and Distributional Approaches to Meaning.
- Varvara, R., Lapesa, G., & Padó, S. (2016). Quantifying regularity in morphological processes: An ongoing study on nominalization in German. ESSLLI DISSALT Workshop: Distributional Semantics and Semantic Theory.
- Lapesa, G., Kisselew, M., Padó, S., Pross, T., & Rossdeutscher, A. (2016). Characterizing the pragmatic component of distributional vectors in terms of polarity: Experiments on German über verbs. ESSLLI DISSALT Workshop: Distributional Semantics and Semantic Theory.
- Padó, S., Snajder, J., Utt, J., & Zeller, B. (2016). Smoothing Syntax-Based Semantic Spaces: Let The Winner Take It All. Proceedings of KONVENS, 186--191.
- Köper, M., Schulte im Walde, S., Kisselew, M., & Padó, S. (2016). Improving Zero-Shot-Learning for German Particle Verbs by using Training-Space Restrictions and Local Scaling. Proceedings of STARSEM.
- Zeller, B. D. (2015). Induction, Semantic Validation and Evaluation of a Derivational Morphology Lexicon for German.
- Padó, S., Palmer, A., Kisselew, M., & Snajder, J. (2015). Measuring Semantic Content To Assess Asymmetry in Derivation. Proceedings of the IWCS Workshop on Advances in Distributional Semantics.
- Kisselew, M., Padó, S., Palmer, A., & Snajder, J. (2015). Obtaining a Better Understanding of Distributional Models of German Derivational Morphology. Proceedings of IWCS, 58--63.
- Feizabadi, P. S., & Padó, S. (2015). Combining Seemingly Incompatible Corpora for Implicit Semantic Role Labeling. Proceedings of STARSEM, 40--50.
- Gupta, A., Utt, J., & Padó, S. (2015). Dissecting the Practical Lexical Function Model for Compositional Distributional Semantics. Proceedings of STARSEM, 153--158.
- Zarcone, A., Padó, S., & Lenci, A. (2015). Same Same but Different: Type and Typicality in a Distributional Model of Complement Coercion. Proceedings of NetWords, 91--94.
- Feizabadi, P. S., & Padó, S. (2014). Crowdsourcing Annotation of Non-Local Semantic Roles. Proceedings of EACL, 226–230.
- Zeller, B., Padó, S., & Snajder, J. (2014). Towards Semantic Validation of a Derivational Lexicon. Proceedings of COLING, 1728--1739.
- Magnini, B., Dagan, I., Neumann, G., & Padó, S. (2014). Entailment Graphs for Text Analytics in the Excitement Project. Proceedings of Text, Speech and Dialogue, 11--18.
- Padó, S., Snajder, J., & Zeller, B. D. (2013). Derivational Smoothing for Syntactic Distributional Semantics. Proceedings of ACL, 731--735.
- Zarcone, A., Lenci, A., Padó, S., & Utt, J. (2013). Fitting, not clashing! A distributional semantic model of logical metonymy. Proceedings of IWCS, 404--410.
- Utt, J., Lenci, A., Pado, S., & Zarcone, A. (2013). The Curious Case of Metonymic Verbs: A Distributional Characterization. Proceedings of the IWCS Workshop “‘Towards A Formal Distributional Semantics.’”
- Snajder, J., Padó, S., & Zeljko Agić. (2013). Building and Evaluating a Distributional Memory for Croatian. Proceedings of ACL, 784--789.
- Boleda, G., Padó, S., & Utt, J. (2012). Regular polysemy: A distributional model. Proceedings of *SEM, 151--160.
- Zarcone, A., Utt, J., & Pado, S. (2012). Modeling covert event retrieval in logical metonymy: probabilistic and distributional accounts. Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Cognitive Modeling in Computational Linguistics, 70--79.
- Padó, S., & Utt, J. (2012). A Distributional Memory for German. Proceedings of the KONVENS Workshop on Recent Developments and Applications of Lexical-Semantic Resources.
- Frank, A., & Padó, S. (2012). Semantics in Computational Lexicons. In C. Maienborn, K. von Heusinger, & P. Portner (Eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning (Vol. 3, pp. 2887--2917). De Gruyter.
- Augenstein, I., Padó, S., & Rudolph, S. (2012). LODifier: Generating Linked Data from Unstructured Text. Proceedings of ESWC, 210--224.\_21
- Kim, S., Kozareva, Z., Nakov, P., Séaghdha, D. Ó., Padó, S., & Szpakowicz, S. (Eds.). (2011). Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics.
- Peirsman, Y., & Padó, S. (2011). Semantic relations in bilingual vector spaces. ACM Transactions in Speech and Language Processing, 8(2), Article 2.
- Padó, S., & Peirsman, Y. (Eds.). (2011). Proceedings of the EMNLP Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics.
- Hendrickx, I., Kim, S. N., Kozareva, Z., Nakov, P., Séaghdha, D. Ó., Padó, S., Pennacchiotti, M., Romano, L., & Szpakowicz, S. (2010). Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations Between Pairs of Nominals. Proceedings of the 5th SIGLEX Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 33--38.
- Faruqui, M., & Padó, S. (2010). Training and Evaluating a German Named Entity Recognizer with Semantic Generalization. Proceedings of KONVENS 2010.
- Padó, S., Galley, M., Manning, C. D., & Jurafsky, D. (2009). Robust Machine Translation Evaluation with Entailment Features. Proceedings of ACL 2009, 297--305.
- Padó, S., & Lapata, M. (2009). Cross-lingual Annotation Projection of Role-semantic Information. Artificial Intelligence Research, 36, 307--340.
- Padó, S., Galley, M., Manning, C. D., & Jurafsky, D. (2009). Textual Entailment Features for Machine Translation Evaluation. Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on Machine Translation, 37--41.
- Erk, K., & Padó, S. (2009). Paraphrase assessment in structured vector space: Exploring parameters and datasets. Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on Geometrical Methods for Natural Language Semantics, 57--65.
- Padó, S., Cer, D., Galley, M., Manning, C. D., & Jurafsky, D. (2009). Measuring Machine Translation Quality as Semantic Equivalence: A Metric based on Entailment Features. Machine Translation, 23(2--3), Article 2--3.
- Hendrickx, I., Kim, S. N., Kozareva, Z., Nakov, P., Séaghdha, D. Ó., Padó, S., Pennacchiotti, M., Romano, L., & Szpakowicz, S. (2009). SemEval-2010 Task 8: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations Between Pairs of Nominals. Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions, 94--99.
- Hajic, J., Ciaramita, M., Johansson, R., Kawahara, D., Martì, M. A., Màrquez, L., Meyers, A., Nivre, J., Padó, S., Stepánek, J., Stranák, P., Surdeanu, M., Xue, N., & Zhang, Y. (2009). The CoNLL-2009 Shared Task: Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies in Multiple Languages. Proceedings of CoNLL-2009, 1--18.
- Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., & Pinkal, M. (2009). Using FrameNet for the Semantic Analysis of German: Annotation, Representation, and Automation. In H. C. Boas (Ed.), Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography -- Methods and Applications (pp. 209–244). De Gruyter.
- Padó, S., Pennacchiotti, M., & Sporleder, C. (2008). Semantic role assignment for event nominalisations by leveraging verbal data. Proceedings of COLING 2008, 665--672.
- Culo, O., Erk, K., Padó, S., & im Walde, S. S. (2008). Comparing and Combining Semantic Verb Classifications. Language Resources and Evaluation, 42(3), Article 3.
- Padó, S. (2007). Cross-lingual Parallelism and Translational Equivalence: The Case of FrameNet Frames. Proceedings of the NODALIDA Workshop on Building Frame Semantics Resources for Scandinavian and Baltic Languages.
- Spohr, D., Burchardt, A., Padó, S., Frank, A., & Heid, U. (2007). Inducing a Computational Lexicon from a Corpus with Syntactic and Semantic Annotation. Proceedings of IWCS-7.
- Padó, S., & Lapata, M. (2007). Dependency-based Construction of Semantic Spaces. Computational Linguistics, 33(2), Article 2.
- Erk, K., & Padó, S. (2006). Shalmaneser - a flexible toolbox for semantic role assignment. Proceedings of LREC 2006.
- Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., & Pinkal, M. (2006). Challenges in lexical semantics: Non-compositionality in SALSA corpus annotation. Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Sprachwissenschaft.
- Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., & Pinkal, M. (2006). SALTO -- A Versatile Multi-Level Annotation Tool. Proceedings of LREC 2006.
- Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., & Pinkal, M. (2006). Consistency and Coverage: Challenges for exhaustive semantic annotation. Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Sprachwissenschaft.
- Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., & Pinkal, M. (2006). The SALSA corpus: a German corpus resource for lexical semantics. Proceedings of LREC 2006.
- Padó, S., & Lapata, M. (2006). Optimal Constituent Alignment with Edge Covers for Semantic Projection. Proceedings of COLING/ACL 2006, 1161--1168.
- Erk, K., & Padó, S. (2005). Analysing models of semantic role assignment using confusability. Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005.
- Padó, S., & Erk, K. (2005). To cause or not to cause: Cross-lingual semantic matching for paraphrase modelling. Proceedings of the Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop.
- Padó, S., & Lapata, M. (2005). Cross-lingual Bootstrapping for Semantic Lexicons: The case of FrameNet. Proceedings of AAAI 2005.
- Padó, S., & Lapata, M. (2005). Cross-lingual projection of role-semantic information. Proceedings of HTL/EMNLP 2005, 859--866.
- Erk, K., & Padó, S. (2004). A powerful and versatile XML Format for representing role-semantic annotation. Proceedings of LREC 2004.
- Ellsworth, M., Erk, K., Kingsbury, P., & Padó, S. (2004). PropBank, SALSA and FrameNet: How Design Determines Product. Proceedings of the Workshop on Building Lexical Resources From Semantically Annotated Corpora, LREC-2004.
- Baldewein, U., Erk, K., Padó, S., & Prescher, D. (2004). Semantic Role Labelling With Similarity-Based Generalisation Using EM-based Clustering. Proceedings of SENSEVAL 3.
- Padó, S., & Boleda Torrent, G. (2004). The Influence of Argument Structure on Semantic Role Assignment. Proceedings of EMNLP 2004, 103--110.
- Baldewein, U., Erk, K., Padó, S., & Prescher, D. (2004). Semantic Role Labelling for Chunk Sequences. Proceedings of the CoNLL 2004 Shared Task.
- Erk, K., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., & Pinkal, M. (2003). Building a Resource for Lexical Semantics. Proceedings of the Workshop on Frame Semantics, XVII. International Congress of Linguists.
- Erk, K., Kowalski, A., & Padó, S. (2003). The SALSA Annotation Tool. Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface.
- Erk, K., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., & Pinkal, M. (2003). Towards a Resource for Lexical Semantics: A Large German Corpus with Extensive Semantic Annotation. Proceedings of ACL 2003.
- Padó, S., & Boleda Torrent, G. (2003). Towards a better understanding of frame element assignment errors. Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface.
- Padó, S., & Lapata, M. (2003). Constructing Semantic Space Models from Parsed Corpora. Proceedings of ACL 2003, 128--135.
SS 2018
- Lecture "Empirische Methoden der Maschinellen Sprachverarbeitung" (with Antje Schweitzer)
- Seminar "Ethics and NLP" (with Thang Vu)
- since 2013:
- Professor of Theoretical Computational Linguistics, IMS, Stuttgart University
- 2010-2013:
- Professor of Computational Linguistics, ICL, Heidelberg University
- 2009-2010:
- Juniorprofessor (Assistant Professor) of Computational Linguistics, IMS, Stuttgart University
- 2007-2009:
- Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University
- 2007:
- PhD (Dr. phil.) in Computational Linguistics, Saarland University
- 2002:
- MSc in Cognitive Science and Natural Language, University of Edinburgh
I offer various BSc and MSc thesis topics. Please come to my office hour or check the IMS theses page on ILIAS.
If you write to me to inquire about internships or external thesis supervision, please add the word 'hospes' to the subject of your email. Otherwise I will not read it.