Dieses Bild zeigt Sebastian Padó

Sebastian Padó

Herr Prof. Dr.

Lehrstuhlinhaber Theoretische Computerlinguistik, Geschäftführender Direktor des IMS
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
Theoretische Computerlinguistik


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70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 02.020


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In meiner Arbeitsgruppe wird vor allem Forschung zu den Themen komputationelle Semantik und statistische Sprachverarbeitung durchgeführt. Allgemeinverständlich ausgedrückt, entwickeln wir Programme, die es Computern erlauben, die Bedeutung von Wörtern und Sätzen besser zu verstehen.

Mehr Details finden Sie auf der Seite meiner Arbeitsgruppe.

Publikationen von Sebastian Padó:
  1. 2025

    1. Möller, L., Padó, S.: Explaining Neural News Recommendation with Attributions onto Reading Histories. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 16, 7:1--25 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1145/3673233.
  2. 2024

    1. Möller, L., Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: Approximate Attributions for Off-the-Shelf Siamese Transformers. In: Proceedings of EACL. , St Julian’s, Malta (2024).
    2. Papay, S., Klinger, R., Padó, S.: Regular-pattern-sensitive CRFs for Distant Label Interactions, https://arxiv.org/abs/2411.12484, (2024).
    3. Möller, L., Tilli, P., Vu, N.T., Padó, S.: Explaining Vision-Language Similarities in Dual Encoders with Feature-Pair Attributions, https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.14153, (2024).
    4. Ceron, T., Barić, A., Blessing, A., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Lapesa, G., Padó, S., Papay, S., Zauchner, P.: Automatic Analysis of Political Debates and Manifestos: Successes and Challenges. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Robust Argumentation Machines. Springer, Bielefeld, Germany (2024).
    5. Park, D., Padó, S.: Multi-Dimensional Machine Translation Evaluation: Model Evaluation and Resource for Korean. In: Proceedings of LREC-COLING. , Torino, Italy (2024).
    6. Han, S., Padó, S.: Towards Understanding the Relationship between In-context Learning and Compositional Generalization. In: Proceedings of LREC-COLING. , Torino, Italy (2024).
    7. Apidianaki, M., Fourtassi, A., Padó, S.: Language Learning, Representation, and Processing in Humans and Machines: Introduction to the Special Issue. Computational Linguistics. (2024).
    8. Barić, A., Padó, S., Papay, S.: Actor Identification in Discourse: A Challenge for LLMs? In: Proceedings of the CODI workshop. , St Julian’s, Malta (2024).
    9. Ehrlicher, H., Rojas Castro, A., Padó, S., Jung, K., Keith, A.: From Annotations in TEI to Natural Language Processing: A Computational Analysis of Characters in Calderón Drama Corpus. In: Book of Abstracts, “Texts, Languages and Communities” -- TEI 2024. , Buenos Aires, Argentina (2024).
    10. Ceron, T., Falk, N., Barić, A., Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: Beyond prompt brittleness: Evaluating the reliability and consistency of political worldviews in LLMs. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 12, 1378--1400 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1162/tacl_a_00710.
    11. Schmid, M.-S., Kühnl, C., Omiecienski, F., Padó, S.: How can business-to-business salespeople get out more of their social media posts? In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. , Bucharest, Romania (2024).
    12. Ehrlicher, H., Rojas Castro, A., Padó, S., Jung, K., Keith, A.: Codificación TEI y análisis de redes: a propósito de Calderón Drama Corpus (CalDraCor) v.2.0. In: Book of Abstracts, “Texts, Languages and Communities” -- TEI 2024. , Buenos Aires, Argentina (2024).
    13. Maab, I., Marrese-Taylor, E., Padó, S., Matsuo, Y.: Media Bias Detection Across Families of Language Models. In: Proceedings of NAACL. , Mexico City, Mexico (2024).
    14. Maurer, M., Ceron, T., Padó, S., Lapesa, G.: Toeing the party line: Election manifestos as a key to understand political discourse on Twitter. In: Findings of EMNLP. , Miami, FL (2024).
  3. 2023

    1. Blokker, N., Blessing, A., Dayanik, E., Kuhn, J., Padó, S., Lapesa, G.: Between welcome culture and border fence: The European refugee crisis in German newspaper reports. Language Resources and Evaluation. 57, 121--153 (2023).
    2. Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: Representation biases in sentence transformers. In: Proceedings of EACL. , Dubrovnik, Croatia (2023).
    3. Troiano, E., Klinger, R., Padó, S.: On the Relationship between Frames and Emotionality in Text. Northern European Journal of Language Technology. 9, (2023).
    4. Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: The argument--adjunct distinction in BERT: A FrameNet-based investigation. In: Proceedings of IWCS. , Nancy, France (2023).
    5. Zaberer, U., Padó, S., Lapesa, G.: Political claim identification and categorization in a multilingual setting: First experiments. In: Proceedings of KONVENS. , Ingolstadt, Germany (2023).
    6. Nikolaev, D., Ceron, T., Padó, S.: Multilingual estimation of political-party positioning: From label aggregation to long-input Transformers. In: Proceedings of EMNLP. , Singapore (2023).
    7. Ceron, T., Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: Additive manifesto decomposition: A policy domain aware method for understanding party positioning. In: Findings of ACL. , Toronto, Canada (2023).
    8. Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: The Universe of Utterances According to BERT. In: Proceedings of IWCS. , Nancy, France (2023).
    9. Nikolaev, D., Baker, C., Petruck, M.R.L., Padó, S.: Adverbs, surprisingly. In: Proceedings of STARSEM. , Toronto, Canada (2023).
    10. Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: Investigating semantic subspaces of Transformer sentence embeddings through linear structural probing. In: Proceedings of the BlackboxNLP workshop. , Singapore (2023).
    11. Möller, L., Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: An Attribution Method for Siamese Encoders. In: Proceedings of EMNLP. , Singapore (2023).
  4. 2022

    1. Padó, S., Troiano, E., Klinger, R.: How computers (attempt to) translate emotions, https://www.circuitmagazine.org/dossier-154/how-computers-attempt-to-translate-emotions, (2022).
    2. Dayanik, E., Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Improving Neural Political Statement Classification with Class  Hierarchical Information. In: Findings of ACL. pp. 2367--2382. , Dublin, Ireland (2022).
    3. Möller, L., Padó, S.: Understanding the Relation of User and News Representations in Content-Based Neural News Recommendation. In: Proceedings of the SIGIR Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics. , Madrid, Spain (2022).
    4. Ceron, T., Blokker, N., Padó, S.: Optimizing text representations to capture (dis)similarity between political parties. In: Proceedings of CoNLL. pp. 325--338. , Abu Dhabi, UAE (2022).
    5. Lehmann, J., Padó, S.: Clasificación de Tragedias y Comedias en las Comedias Nuevas de Calderón de la Barca. Revista de Humanidades Digitales. 7, 80–103 (2022). https://doi.org/10.5944/rhd.vol.7.2022.34588.
    6. Rauf, M., Padó, S., Pradel, M.: Meta Learning for Code Summarization, https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08310, (2022).
    7. Padó, S., Hole, D.: Distributional Analysis of Polysemous Function Words. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation 2019. Springer (2022).
    8. Blokker, N., Ceron, T., Blessing, A., Dayanik, E., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Why Justifications of Claims Matter for Understanding Party Positions. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political Text Analysis (2022).
    9. Padó, U., Padó, S.: Determinants of Grader Agreement: An Analysis of Multiple Short Answer Corpora. Language Resources and Evaluation. 56, 387–416 (2022).
    10. Nikolaev, D., Padó, S.: Word order typology in Multilingual BERT: A case study in subordinate clause detection. In: Proceedings of the ACL SIGTYP workshop (2022).
    11. Papay, S., Klinger, R., Padó, S.: Constraining Linear-chain CRFs to Regular Languages. In: Proceedings of ICLR (2022).
    12. Lenci, A., Padó, S.: Editorial: Perspectives for Natural Language Processing between AI, Linguistics and Cognitive Science. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. (2022).
    13. Lehmann, J., Padó, S.: Classification of comedies and tragedies written in Calderón de la Barca’s Comedias Nuevas. Zeitschrift für Digitale Geisteswissenschaft. 7, (2022).
    14. Dayanik, E., Vu, T., Padó, S.: Bias Identification and Attribution in NLP Models With Regression and Effect Sizes. Northern European Journal of Language Technology. 8, (2022).
    15. Sikos, J., Roth, M., Padó, S.: Improving Multilingual Frame Identification by Estimating Frame Transferability. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology. 19, (2022).
  5. 2021

    1. Plaza-del-Arco, F.M., Halat, S., Padó, S., Klinger, R.: Multi-Task Learning with Sentiment, Emotion, and Target Detection to Recognize Hate Speech and Offensive Language. In: Proceedings of the FIRE HASOC workshop (2021).
    2. Westera, M., Gupta, A., Boleda, G., Padó, S.: Distributional models of category concepts based on names of category members. Cognitive Science. 45, e13029 (2021).
    3. Iordachioaia, G., Lapesa, G., Meyer, S., Padó, S.: Difference of first attestation dates as evidence for directionality in zero derivation. In: Proceedings of the DGfS workshop on the semantics of derivational morphology. , Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (2021).
    4. Troiano, E., Padó, S., Klinger, R.: Emotion Ratings: How Intensity, Annotation Confidence and Agreements are Entangled. In: Proceedings of the EACL WASSA workshop. pp. 50--61 (2021).
    5. Varvara, R., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Grounding Semantic Transparency In Context: A Distributional Semantic Study on German Event Nominalizations. Morphology. 31, 409–446 (2021).
    6. Dayanik, E., Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Using Hierarchical Class Structure to Improve Fine-Grained Claim Classification. In: Proceedings of the ACL Workshop of Structured Prediction. , Bangkok, Thailand (2021).
    7. Alam, T., Zarcone, A., Padó, S.: New Domain, Major Effort? How Much Data is Necessary to Adapt a Temporal Tagger To the Voice Assistant Domain. In: Proceedings of IWCS. pp. 144--154. , Online (2021).
    8. Dayanik, E., Padó, S.: Disentangling Document Topic and Author Gender in Multiple Languages: Lessons for Adversarial Debiasing. In: Proceedings of the EACL WASSA workshop. pp. 40--49 (2021).
  6. 2020

    1. Papay, S., Padó, S.: RiQuA: A Corpus of Rich Quotation Annotation for English Literary Text. In: Proceedings of LREC. pp. 835--841. , Online (2020).
    2. Troiano, E., Klinger, R., Padó, S.: Lost in Backtranslation: Emotion Preservation in Neural Machine Translation. In: Proceedings of COLING. , Online (2020).
    3. Keck, J., Knabben, M., Padó, S.: Who’s in the news? Methodological challenges and opportunities in studying 19th century writers in historical newspapers, https://pro.europeana.eu/page/issue-16-newspapers#who-s-in-the-news, (2020).
    4. Klinger, R., Kim, E., Padó, S.: Emotion Analysis for Literary Studies. In: Reiter, N., Pichler, A., and Kuhn, J. (eds.) Reflected Computational Text Analysis. pp. 237--268. De Gruyter (2020).
    5. Dayanik, E., Padó, S.: Masking Actor Information Leads to Fairer Political Claims Detection. In: Proceedings of ACL. pp. 4385–4391. , Online (2020).
    6. Blokker, N., Dayanik, E., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Swimming with the Tide? Positional Claim Detection across Political Text Types. In: Proceedings of the NLP+CSS workshop. pp. 24--34. , Online (2020).
    7. Lapesa, G., Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Dayanik, E., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Padó, S.: Analysis of Political Debates through Newspaper Reports: Methods and Outcomes. Datenbank-Spektrum. 20, (2020).
    8. Papay, S., Klinger, R., Padó, S.: Dissecting Span Identification Tasks with Performance Prediction. In: Proceedings of EMNLP. pp. 4881–4895. , Online (2020).
    9. Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Pado, S., Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Dayanik, E., Lapesa, G.: Integrating Manual and Automatic Annotation  for the Creation of Discourse Network Data Sets. Politics and Governance. 8, (2020).
    10. Lapesa, G., Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Dayanik, E., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Padó, S.: DEbateNet-mig15: Tracing the 2015 Immigration Debate in Germany Over Time. In: Proceedings of LREC. pp. 919--927. , Online (2020).
  7. 2019

    1. Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: An Environment for the Relational Annotation of Political Debates. In: Proceedings of ACL System Demonstrations. , Florence, Italy (2019).
    2. Padó, S., Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Dayanik, E., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J.: Who Sides With Whom? Towards Computational Construction of Discourse Networks for Political Debates. In: Proceedings of ACL. , Florence, Italy (2019).
    3. Haunss, S., Blokker, N., Pado, S., Kuhn, J., Blessing, A., Lapesa, G., Dayanik, E.: Supporting Discourse Network Analysis through Machine Learning for Claim Detection and Classification. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Social Networks. , Zurich, Switzerland (2019).
    4. Troiano, E., Padó, S., Klinger, R.: Crowdsourcing and Validating Event-focused Emotion Corpora for German and English. In: Proceedings of ACL. , Florence, Italy (2019).
    5. Rauf, M., Padó, S.: Learning Trilingual Dictionaries for Urdu -- Roman Urdu -- English. In: Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Widening NLP. , Florence, Italy (2019). https://aclweb.org/anthology/papers/W/W19/W19-3614/.
    6. Riedl, M., Betz, D., Padó, S.: Clustering-Based Article Identification in Historical Newspapers. In: Proceedings of the NAACL LaTeCH-CLfL workshop. , Minneapolis, MN (2019).
    7. Padó, S.: Entities as a window into distributional semantics. In: RANLP 2019. , Varna, Bulgaria (2019).
    8. Frassinelli, D., Vigliocco, G., Padó, S.: Distributional Semantics reveals cross-cultural differences in food concepts. In: Proceedings of AmLaP. , Moscow, Russia (2019).
    9. Papay, S., Padó, S.: Quotation Detection and Classification with a Corpus-Agnostic Model. In: Proceedings of RANLP. , Varna, Bulgaria (2019).
    10. Ehrlicher, H., Klinger, R., Lehmann, J., Padó, S.: Measuring Historical Emotions and Their Evolution: An Interdisciplinary Endeavour to Investigate The ‘Emotions of Encounter.’ Liinc Em Revista. 15, 70--84 (2019).
    11. Stadelmaier, J., Padó, S.: Modeling Paths for Explainable Knowledge Base Completion. In: Proceedings of the ACL BlackboxNLP workshop. , Florence, Italy (2019).
    12. Sikos, J., Padó, S.: Frame Identification as Categorization: Exemplars vs Protoypes in Embeddingland. In: Proceedings of IWCS. pp. 295--306. , Gothenburg, Sweden (2019).
    13. Thejas, V., Gupta, A., Padó, S.: Text-based Joint Prediction of Numeric and Categorical Attributes of Entities in Knowledge Bases. In: Proceedings of RANLP. , Varna, Bulgaria (2019).
  8. 2018

    1. Lapesa, G., Kawaletz, L., Plag, I., Andreou, M., Kisselew, M., Padó, S.: Disambiguation of newly derived nominalizations in context: A Distributional Semantics approach. Word Structure. 11, 315--350 (2018).
    2. Sikos, J., Padó, S.: Using Embeddings to Compare FrameNet Frames Across Languages. In: COLING Workshop on Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Processing. , Santa Fe, NM (2018).
    3. Braun, M., Klinger, R., Padó, S., Viehhauser, G.: Digitale Modellierung von Figurenkomplexität am Beispiel des Parzival von Wolfram von Eschenbach. In: Digital Humanities im Deutschsprachigen Raum. , Cologne, Germany (2018).
    4. Buljan, M., Padó, S., Snajder, J.: Lexical Substitution for Evaluating Compositional Distributional Models. In: Proceedings of NAACL. pp. 206–211. , New Orleans, LA (2018).
    5. Sikos, J., Padó, S.: FrameNet’s “Using” Relation As Source of Concept-driven Paraphrases. Constructions and Frames. 10, 38--60 (2018).
    6. Adel, H., Bostan, L.A.M., Papay, S., Padó, S., Klinger., R.: DERE: A task and domain-independent slot filling framework for declarative relation extraction. In: Proceedings of EMNLP. , Brussels, Belgium (2018).
    7. Alagić, D., Snajder, J., Padó, S.: Leveraging Lexical Substitutes for Unsupervised Word Sense Induction. In: Proceedings of AAAI. , New Orleans, LA (2018).
    8. Riedl, M., Padó, S.: A Named Entity Recognition Shootout for German. In: Proceedings of ACL. pp. 120--125. , Melbourne, Australia (2018).
    9. Papay, S., Padó, S., Vu, N.T.: Addressing Low-Resource Scenarios with Character-aware Embeddings. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Subword and Character Level Models. , New Orleans, LA (2018).
  9. 2017

    1. Lapesa, G., Kawaletz, L., Andreou, M., Kisselew, M., Pado, S., Plag, I.: Type disambiguation of English -ment derivatives. In: Proceedings of the 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. , Nikosia, Cyprus (2017).
    2. Zarcone, A., McRae, K., Lenci, A., Padó, S.: Complement Coercion: The Joint Effects of Type and Typicality. Frontiers in Psychology. 8, 1987 (2017).
    3. Kremer, G., Hartung, M., Padó, S., Riezler, S.: Statistical Machine Translation Support Improves Human Adjective Translation. In: Culo, O. and Hansen-Schirra, S. (eds.) Crossroads between Contrastive Linguistics, Translation Studies and Machine Translation: TC3 II. pp. 121–152. Language Science Press (2017).
    4. Pross, T., Rossdeutscher, A., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Integrating lexical-conceptual and distributional semantics: a case report. In: Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 75--84. , Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2017).
    5. Schuff, H., Barnes, J., Mohme, J., Padó, S., Klinger, R.: Annotation, Modelling and Analysis of Fine-Grained          Emotions on a Stance and Sentiment Detection Corpus. In: Proceedings of the EMNLP WASSA workshop. , Copenhagen, Denmark (2017).
    6. Melymuka, M., Lapesa, G., Kisselew, M., Padó, S.: Modeling Derivational Morphology in Ukrainian. In: Proceedings of IWCS. , Montpellier, France (2017).
    7. Lapesa, G., Padó, S., Pross, T., Rossdeutscher, A.: Are doggies cuter than dogs? Emotional valence and concreteness in German derivational morphology. In: Proceedings of IWCS. , Montpellier, France (2017).
    8. Boleda, G., Padó, S., Pham, N.T., Baroni, M.: Living a discrete life in a continuous world: Reference in cross-modal entity tracking. In: Proceedings of IWCS. , Montpellier, France (2017).
    9. Kim, E., Padó, S., Klinger, R.: Investigating the Relationship between Literary                  Genres and Emotional Plot Development. In: Proceedings of the ACL LaTeCH-CLfL workshop. , Vancouver, BC (2017).
    10. Shafaei, E., Frassinelli, D., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Towards Cross-Lingual Comparability of Derivational Lexicons:\  An Extraction Algorithm for CELEX. In: Proceedings of DeriMo. , Milan, Italy (2017).
    11. Medić, Z., Šnajder, J., Padó, S.: Does Free Word Order Hurt? Assessing the Practical Lexical Function Model for Croatian. In: Proceedings of STARSEM. , Vancouver, BC (2017).
    12. Gupta, A., Boleda, G., Padó, S.: Distributed Prediction of Relations for Entities: The Easy, The Difficult, and The Impossible. In: Proceedings of STARSEM. , Vancouver, BC (2017).
    13. Papay, S., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Evaluating and Improving a Derivational Lexicon with Graph-theoretical Methods. In: Proceedings of DeriMo. , Milan, Italy (2017).
    14. Boleda, G., Gupta, A., Padó, S.: Instances and concepts in distributional space. In: Proceedings of EACL. pp. 79--85. , Valencia, Spain (2017).
    15. Baroni, M., Boleda, G., Padó, S.: “‘Show me the cup’”: Reference with Continuous Representations. In: Proceedings of CICLing. , Budapest, Hungary (2017).
    16. Boleda, G., Padó, S., Pham, N.T., Baroni, M.: Living a discrete life in a continuous world: Reference with distributed representations, https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.01815, (2017).
  10. 2016

    1. Kisselew, M., Rimell, L., Palmer, A., Padó, S.: Predicting the Direction of Derivation in English conversion. In: Proceedings of the ACL SIGMORPHON workshop. pp. 93--98. , Berlin, Germany (2016).
    2. Padó, S., Herbelot, A., Kisselew, M., Snajder, J.: Predictability of Distributional Semantics in Derivational Word Formation. In: Proceedings of COLING. pp. 1285--1296. , Osaka, Japan (2016).
    3. Padó, S., Dagan, I.: Textual Entailment. In: Mitkov, R. (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. Oxford University Press (2016).
    4. Pross, T., Rossdeutscher, A., Padó, S., Lapesa, G., Kisselew, M.: “Over reference”: A comparative study on German prefix verbs. In: ESSLLI SemRefPlus Workshop: Referential semantics one                  step further: Incorporating insights from conceptual                  and distributional approaches to meaning. , Bolzano, Italy (2016).
    5. Andreou, M., Kawaletz, L., Kisselew, M., Lapesa, G., Pado, S., Plag, I.: Instance-based disambiguation of English -ment derivatives. In: Proceedings of the conference on cognitive structures: Linguistic, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. , Düsseldorf, Germany (2016).
    6. Varvara, R., Lapesa, G., Padó, S.: Quantifying regularity in morphological processes: An ongoing study on nominalization in German. In: ESSLLI DISSALT Workshop: Distributional Semantics and Semantic Theory. , Bolzano, Italy (2016).
    7. Scheible, C., Klinger, R., Padó, S.: Model Architectures for Quotation Detection. In: Proceedings of ACL. pp. 1736--1745. , Berlin, Germany (2016).
    8. Lapesa, G., Kisselew, M., Padó, S., Pross, T., Rossdeutscher, A.: Characterizing the pragmatic component of distributional vectors in terms of polarity: Experiments on German über verbs. In: ESSLLI DISSALT Workshop: Distributional Semantics and Semantic Theory. , Bolzano, Italy (2016).
    9. Padó, S., Snajder, J., Utt, J., Zeller, B.: Smoothing Syntax-Based Semantic Spaces: Let The Winner Take It All. In: Proceedings of KONVENS. pp. 186--191. , Bochum, Germany (2016).
    10. Stehwien, S., Padó, S.: Native Language Identification Across Text Types: How Special Are Scientists? Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics. 2, 32--45 (2016).
    11. Köper, M., Schulte im Walde, S., Kisselew, M., Padó, S.: Improving Zero-Shot-Learning for German Particle Verbs by using Training-Space Restrictions and Local Scaling. In: Proceedings of STARSEM. , Berlin, Germany (2016).
    12. Kuhn, J., Alexiadou, A., Braun, M., Ertl, T., Holtz, S., Kantner, C., Misselhorn, C., Padó, S., Richter, S., Stein, A., Zittel, C.: CRETA (Centrum für reflektierte Textanalyse) -- Fachübergreifende Methodenentwicklung in den Digital Humanities. In: Digital Humanities im Deutschsprachigen Raum. , Leipzig, Germany (2016).
  11. 2015

    1. Stehwien, S., Padó, S.: Generalization in Native Language Identification --                  Learners versus Scientists. In: Proceedings of CLiC-IT. pp. 264--268. , Trento, Italy (2015).
    2. Zeller, B.D.: Induction, Semantic Validation and Evaluation of a Derivational Morphology Lexicon for German, (2015).
    3. Padó, S., Palmer, A., Kisselew, M., Snajder, J.: Measuring Semantic Content To Assess Asymmetry in Derivation. In: Proceedings of the IWCS Workshop on Advances in Distributional Semantics. , London, UK (2015).
    4. Gupta, A., Boleda, G., Baroni, M., Padó, S.: Distributional vectors encode referential                  attributes. In: Proceedings of EMNLP. , Lisbon, Portugal (2015).
    5. Kisselew, M., Padó, S., Palmer, A., Snajder, J.: Obtaining a Better Understanding of Distributional                  Models of German Derivational Morphology. In: Proceedings of IWCS. pp. 58--63. , London, UK (2015).
    6. Gupta, A., Boleda, G., Baroni, M., Padó, S.: Mapping conceptual features to referential properties. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international ESSENCE                  workshop: Algorithms for processing meaning. , Barcelona, Spain (2015).
    7. Noh, T.-G., Padó, S., Shwartz, V., Dagan, I., Nastase, V., Eichler, K., Kotlerman, L.: Multi-Level Alignments As An Extensible                  Representation Basis for Textual Entailment                  Algorithms. In: Proceedings of STARSEM. pp. 193--198. , Denver, CO (2015).
    8. Feizabadi, P.S., Padó, S.: Combining Seemingly Incompatible Corpora for                  Implicit Semantic Role Labeling. In: Proceedings of STARSEM. pp. 40--50. , Denver, CO (2015).
    9. Padó, S., Noh, T.-G., Stern, A., Wang, R., Zanoli, R.: Design and Realization of a Modular Architecture for Textual Entailment. Journal of Natural Language Engineering. 21, 167--200 (2015).
    10. Gupta, A., Utt, J., Padó, S.: Dissecting the Practical Lexical Function Model for                  Compositional Distributional Semantics. In: Proceedings of STARSEM. pp. 153--158. , Denver, CO (2015).
    11. Padó, S., Zeller, B., Snajder, J.: Morphological Priming in German: The Word is Not Enough (Or Is It?). In: Proceedings of NetWords. pp. 42--45. , Pisa, Italy (2015).
    12. Zarcone, A., Padó, S., Lenci, A.: Same Same but Different: Type and Typicality in a Distributional Model of Complement Coercion. In: Proceedings of NetWords. pp. 91--94. , Pisa, Italy (2015).
  12. 2014

    1. Thill, S., Padó, S., Ziemke, T.: On the importance of a rich embodiment in the grounding of concepts: Perspectives from embodied cognitive science and computational linguistics. Topics in Cognitive Science. 6, 545--558 (2014).
    2. Zarcone, A., Padó, S., Lenci, A.: Logical metonymy resolution in a words-as-cues framework: Evidence from self-paced reading and probe recognition. Cognitive Science. 38, 973--996 (2014).
    3. Feizabadi, P.S., Padó, S.: Crowdsourcing Annotation of Non-Local Semantic Roles. In: Proceedings of EACL. pp. 226–230. , Gothenburg, Sweden (2014).
    4. Benikova, D., Biemann, C., Kisselew, M., Padó, S.: GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition Shared Task: Companion Paper. In: Proceedings of the KONVENS GermEval workshop. pp. 104--112. , Hildesheim, Germany (2014).
    5. Noh, T.-G., Padó, S.: A Language Model Sensitive to Discourse Context. In: Proceedings of KONVENS. pp. 201--206. , Hildesheim, Germany (2014).
    6. Frontini, F., Quochi, V., Padó, S., Utt, J., Monachini, M.: Polysemy index for nouns: an experiment on Italian                  using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS lexical database. In: Proceedings of LREC. pp. 2955--2963. , Reykjavík, Iceland (2014).
    7. Zeller, B., Padó, S., Snajder, J.: Towards Semantic Validation of a Derivational                  Lexicon. In: Proceedings of COLING. pp. 1728--1739. , Dublin, Ireland (2014).
    8. Utt, J., Padó, S.: Crosslingual and Multilingual Construction of Syntax-Based Vector Space Models. Transactions of the Association of Computational Linguistics. 2, 245--258 (2014).
    9. Dagan, I., Levy, O., Magnini, B., Noh, T.-G., Padó, S., Stern, A., Zanoli, R.: The EXCITEMENT Open Platform for Textual                  Inferences. In: Proceedings of ACL (Demonstration Papers). pp. 43--48. , Baltimore, MD (2014).
    10. Kremer, G., Erk, K., Padó, S., Thater, S.: What Substitutes Tell Us -- Analysis of an “All-Words” Lexical Substitution Corpus. In: Proceedings of EACL. pp. 540--549. , Gothenburg, Sweden (2014).
    11. Magnini, B., Dagan, I., Neumann, G., Padó, S.: Entailment Graphs for Text Analytics in the                  Excitement Project. In: Proceedings of Text, Speech and Dialogue. pp. 11--18. , Brno, Czech Republic (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10816-2_2.
  13. 2013

    1. Padó, S., Snajder, J., Zeller, B.D.: Derivational Smoothing for Syntactic Distributional                  Semantics. In: Proceedings of ACL. pp. 731--735. , Sofia, Bulgaria (2013).
    2. Zarcone, A., Padó, S.: Logical metonymy: Disentangling object type and thematic fit. In: Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing. , Aix en Provence, France (2013).
    3. Zarcone, A., Lenci, A., Padó, S., Utt, J.: Fitting, not clashing! A distributional semantic                  model of logical metonymy. In: Proceedings of IWCS. pp. 404--410. , Potsdam, Germany (2013).
    4. Zeller, B., Padó, S.: A Textual Entailment Dataset from German Web Forum                  Text. In: Proceedings of IWCS. pp. 288--299. , Potsdam, Germany (2013).
    5. Noh, T.-G., Padó, S.: Using UIMA to Structure An Open Platform for Textual Entailment. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Unstructured Information                Management Architecture. pp. 26--33. , Darmstadt, Germany (2013).
    6. Utt, J., Lenci, A., Pado, S., Zarcone, A.: The Curious Case of    Metonymic Verbs: A Distributional Characterization. In: Proceedings of the IWCS workshop “‘Towards A Formal Distributional Semantics.’” , Potsdam, Germany (2013).
    7. Zeller, B.D., Snajder, J., Padó, S.: DErivBase: Inducing and Evaluating a Derivational                  Morphology Resource for German. In: Proceedings of ACL. pp. 1201--1211. , Sofia, Bulgaria (2013).
    8. Snajder, J., Padó, S., Zeljko Agić: Building and Evaluating a Distributional Memory for                  Croatian. In: Proceedings of ACL. pp. 784--789. , Sofia, Bulgaria (2013).
    9. Mújcricza-Majdt, É., Körkel-Qu, H., Riezler, S., Padó, S.: High-Precision Sentence Alignment by Bootstrapping from Wood Standard Annotations. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics. 99, 5--16 (2013).
    10. Nikitina, O., Padó, S.: A corpus study of clause combination. In: Proceedings of IWCS. pp. 179--190. , Potsdam, Germany (2013).
  14. 2012

    1. Boleda, G., Padó, S., Utt, J.: Regular polysemy: A distributional model. In: Proceedings of *SEM. pp. 151--160. , Montréal, Canada (2012).
    2. Zarcone, A., Utt, J., Pado, S.: Modeling covert event retrieval in logical metonymy: probabilistic and distributional accounts. In: Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Cognitive Modeling in Computational Linguistics. pp. 70--79. , Montreal, QC (2012).
    3. Padó, S., Utt, J.: A Distributional Memory for German. In: Proceedings of the KONVENS workshop on recent developments and applications of lexical-semantic resources. , Vienna, Austria (2012).
    4. Frank, A., Padó, S.: Semantics in Computational Lexicons. In: Maienborn, C., von Heusinger, K., and Portner, P. (eds.) Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. pp. 2887--2917. De Gruyter (2012).
    5. Gorzitze, S., Padó, S.: Corpus-based Acquisition of German Event- and                  Object-Denoting Nouns. In: Proceedings of KONVENS. pp. 259--263. , Vienna, Austria (2012).
    6. Todirascu, A., Padó, S., Kisselew, M., Krisch, J., Heid, U.: French and German corpora for audience-based text                  classification. In: Proceedings of LREC 2012. , Istanbul, Turkey (2012).
    7. Zarcone, A., Lenci, A., Padó, S.: Inferring covert events in logical metonymies: a                  probe recognition experiment. In: Proceeedings of CogSci. , Sapporo, Japan (2012).
    8. Zeller, B., Padó, S.: Corpus-Based Acquisition of Support Verb                  Constructions for Portuguese. In: Proceedings of PROPOR 2012. pp. 73--84. , Coimbra, Portugal (2012).
    9. Faruqui, M., Padó, S.: Towards a model of formal and information address in                  English. In: Proceedings of EACL 2012. , Avignon, France (2012).
    10. Augenstein, I., Padó, S., Rudolph, S.: LODifier: Generating Linked Data from Unstructured Text. In: Proceedings of ESWC. pp. 210--224. , Heraklion, Greece (2012).
    11. Feizabadi, P.S., Padó, S.: Automatic Identification of Motion Verbs in                  WordNet and FrameNet for Locational Inference. In: Proceedings of KONVENS. pp. 70--79. , Vienna, Austria (2012).
  15. 2011

    1. Zarcone, A., Padó, S.: Generalized Event Knowledge in Logical Metonymy                  Resolution. In: Proceedings of CogSci 2011. , Boston, MA (2011).
    2. Babych, S., Henn, A., Pawellek, J., Padó, S.: Dependency-based Question Validation for German. In: CLEF Working Notes. , Amsterdam, Netherlands (2011).
    3. Kim, S., Kozareva, Z., Nakov, P., Séaghdha, D.Ó., Padó, S., Szpakowicz, S. eds: Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics. , Portland, OR (2011).
    4. Dorr, B., Al-Onaizan, Y., Galley, M., Habash, N., Jones, D., Kulick, S., Lavie, A., Leusch, G., Madnani, N., Manning, C., Marcus, M., Mauser, A., Ostendorf, M., Padó, S., Przybocki, M., Rosti, A., Schwartz, R., Snover, M., Tate, C., Vogel, S., Voss, C.: Machine Translation Evaluation and Optimization. In: Olive, J., Christianson, C., and McCary, J. (eds.) Handbook of Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: DARPA Global Autonomous Language Exploitation. pp. 745--843. Springer (2011).
    5. Faruqui, M., Padó, S.: ``I Thou Thee, Thou Traitor’’: Predicting Formal                  vs.  Informal Address in English Literature. In: Proceedings of ACL/HLT 2011. pp. 467--472. , Portland, OR (2011).
    6. Utt, J., Padó, S.: Ontology-based Distinction between Polysemy and                  Homonymy. In: Proceedings of IWCS 2011. , Oxford, UK (2011).
    7. Faruqui, M., Majumdar, P., Padó, S.: Soundex-based Translation Correction in Urdu--English Cross-Language Information Retrieval. In: Proceedings of the IJCNLP Workshop on Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval. pp. 25--29. , Chiang Mai, Thailand (2011).
    8. Padó, S., Thater, S. eds: Proceedings of the EMNLP TextInfer Workshop on Textual Entailment. , Edinburgh, UK (2011).
    9. Peirsman, Y., Padó, S.: Semantic relations in bilingual vector spaces. ACM Transactions in Speech and Language Processing. 8, 3:1--3:21 (2011).
    10. Padó, S., Peirsman, Y. eds: Proceedings of the EMNLP Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics. , Edinburgh, UK (2011).
    11. Faruqui, M., Padó, S.: Acquiring entailment pairs across languages and                  domains: A Data Analysis. In: Proceedings of IWCS 2011. , Oxford, UK (2011).
  16. 2010

    1. Erk, K., Padó, S., Padó, U.: A Flexible, Corpus-driven Model of Regular and Inverse Selectional Preferences. Computational Linguistics. 36, 723--763 (2010).
    2. Erk, K., Padó, S.: Exemplar-Based Models for Word Meaning In Context. In: Proceedings of ACL 2010. , Uppsala, Sweden (2010).
    3. Hendrickx, I., Kim, S.N., Kozareva, Z., Nakov, P., Séaghdha, D.Ó., Padó, S., Pennacchiotti, M., Romano, L., Szpakowicz, S.: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations Between Pairs of Nominals. In: Proceedings of the 5th SIGLEX Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. pp. 33--38. , Uppsala, Sweden (2010).
    4. Faruqui, M., Padó, S.: Training and Evaluating a German Named Entity                  Recognizer with Semantic Generalization. In: Proceedings of KONVENS 2010. , Saarbrücken, Germany (2010).
    5. Peirsman, Y., Padó, S.: Cross-lingual Induction of Selectional Preferences                  with Bilingual Vector Spaces. In: Proceedings of NAACL 2010. pp. 921--929. , Los Angeles, CA (2010).
    6. Zarcone, A., Padó, S.: ``I like work: I can sit and look at it for hours’’ -              Type clash vs. plausibility in covert event recovery. In: Proceedings of the VERB 2010 workshop. , Pisa, Italy (2010).
    7. Mirkin, S., Dagan, I., Padó, S.: Assessing the Role of Discourse References in                  Entailment Inference. In: Proceedings of ACL 2010. pp. 1209--1219. , Uppsala, Sweden (2010).
  17. 2009

    1. Padó, S., Galley, M., Manning, C.D., Jurafsky, D.: Robust Machine Translation Evaluation with                  Entailment Features. In: Proceedings of ACL 2009. pp. 297--305. , Singapore (2009).
    2. Padó, S., Lapata, M.: Cross-lingual Annotation Projection of Role-semantic Information. Artificial Intelligence Research. 36, 307--340 (2009).
    3. Padó, S., Galley, M., Manning, C.D., Jurafsky, D.: Textual Entailment Features for Machine Translation Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on Machine Translation. pp. 37--41. , Athens, Greece (2009).
    4. Erk, K., Padó, S.: Paraphrase assessment in structured vector space: Exploring parameters and datasets. In: Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on Geometrical Methods for Natural Language Semantics. pp. 57--65. , Athens, Greece (2009).
    5. de Marneffe, M.-C., Padó, S., Manning, C.D.: Multi-word expressions in Textual Entailment: Much ado about nothing? In: Proceedings of the ACL TextInfer workshop. pp. 1--9. , Singapore (2009).
    6. Padó, S., Cer, D., Galley, M., Manning, C.D., Jurafsky, D.: Measuring Machine Translation Quality as Semantic Equivalence: A Metric based on Entailment Features. Machine Translation. 23, 181--193 (2009).
    7. Hendrickx, I., Kim, S.N., Kozareva, Z., Nakov, P., Séaghdha, D.Ó., Padó, S., Pennacchiotti, M., Romano, L., Szpakowicz, S.: SemEval-2010 Task 8: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations Between Pairs of Nominals. In: Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions. pp. 94--99. , Boulder, CO (2009).
    8. Hajic, J., Ciaramita, M., Johansson, R., Kawahara, D., Martì, M.A., Màrquez, L., Meyers, A., Nivre, J., Padó, S., Stepánek, J., Stranák, P., Surdeanu, M., Xue, N., Zhang, Y.: The CoNLL-2009 Shared Task: Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies in Multiple Languages. In: Proceedings of CoNLL-2009. pp. 1--18. , Boulder, CO (2009).
    9. Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., Pinkal, M.: Using FrameNet for the Semantic Analysis of German: Annotation, Representation, and Automation. In: Boas, H.C. (ed.) Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography -- Methods and Applications. pp. 209–244. De Gruyter (2009).
  18. 2008

    1. Padó, S., de Marneffe, M.-C., MacCartney, B., Rafferty, A.N., Yeh, E., Manning, C.D.: Deciding Entailment and Contradiction with Stochastic and Edit Distance-based Alignment. In: Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference. , Gaithersburg, VA (2008).
    2. Padó, S., Pennacchiotti, M., Sporleder, C.: Semantic role assignment for event nominalisations                  by leveraging verbal data. In: Proceedings of COLING 2008. pp. 665--672. , Manchester, UK (2008).
    3. Culo, O., Erk, K., Padó, S., im Walde, S.S.: Comparing and Combining Semantic Verb Classifications. Language Resources and Evaluation. 42, 161--199 (2008).
    4. Burchardt, A., Padó, S., Spohr, D., Frank, A., Heid, U.: Formalising Multi-layer Corpora in OWL DL. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology. 1, 1--33 (2008). https://doi.org/10.33011/lilt.v1i.1191.
    5. Burchardt, A., Padó, S., Spohr, D., Frank, A., Heid, U.: Formalising Multi-layer Corpora in OWL DL --                  Lexicon Modelling, Querying and Consistency Control. In: Proceedings of IJCNLP 2008. , Hyderabad, India (2008).
    6. Erk, K., Padó, S.: A Structured Vector Space Model for Word Meaning in                  Context. In: Proceedings of EMNLP 2008. pp. 897--906. , Honolulu, HI (2008).
  19. 2007

    1. Padó, S.: Cross-lingual Parallelism and Translational Equivalence: The Case of FrameNet Frames. In: Proceedings of the NODALIDA Workshop on Building Frame Semantics Resources for Scandinavian and Baltic Languages. , Tartu, Estonia (2007).
    2. Padó, S., Padó, U., Erk, K.: Flexible, corpus-based modelling of Human                  Plausibility Judgments. In: Proceedings of EMNLP/CoNLL 2007. pp. 400--409. , Prague, Czech Republic (2007).
    3. Padó, S., Pitel, G.: Annotation précise du français en sémantique de                  rôles par projection cross-linguistique. In: Actes de TALN 2007. , Toulouse, France (2007).
    4. Spohr, D., Burchardt, A., Padó, S., Frank, A., Heid, U.: Inducing a Computational Lexicon from a Corpus with Syntactic and Semantic Annotation. In: Proceedings of IWCS-7. , Tilburg, The Netherlands (2007).
    5. Erk, K., Padó, S.: Towards a Computational Model of Gradience in Word Sense. In: Proceedings of IWCS-7. , Tilburg, The Netherlands (2007).
    6. Padó, S., Lapata, M.: Dependency-based Construction of Semantic Spaces. Computational Linguistics. 33, 161--199 (2007).
  20. 2006

    1. Erk, K., Padó, S.: Shalmaneser - a flexible toolbox for semantic role                  assignment. In: Proceedings of LREC 2006. , Genoa, Italy (2006).
    2. Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., Pinkal, M.: Challenges in lexical semantics: Non-compositionality in  SALSA corpus annotation. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. , Bielefeld, Germany (2006).
    3. Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., Pinkal, M.: SALTO -- A Versatile Multi-Level Annotation Tool. In: Proceedings of LREC 2006. , Genoa, Italy (2006).
    4. Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., Pinkal, M.: Consistency and Coverage: Challenges for exhaustive semantic annotation. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. , Bielefeld, Germany (2006).
    5. Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., Pinkal, M.: The SALSA corpus: a German corpus resource for                  lexical semantics. In: Proceedings of LREC 2006. , Genoa, Italy (2006).
    6. Padó, S., Lapata, M.: Optimal Constituent Alignment with Edge Covers for                  Semantic Projection. In: Proceedings of COLING/ACL 2006. pp. 1161--1168. , Sydney, Australia (2006).
  21. 2005

    1. Erk, K., Padó, S.: Analysing models of semantic role assignment using                  confusability. In: Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005. , Vancouver, Canada (2005).
    2. Padó, S., Erk, K.: To cause or not to cause: Cross-lingual semantic matching for paraphrase modelling. In: Proceedings of the Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop. , Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2005).
    3. Padó, S., Lapata, M.: Cross-lingual Bootstrapping for Semantic Lexicons:                  The case of FrameNet. In: Proceedings of AAAI 2005. , Pittsburgh, PA (2005).
    4. Padó, S., Lapata, M.: Cross-lingual projection of role-semantic                  information. In: Proceedings of HTL/EMNLP 2005. pp. 859--866. , Vancouver, Canada (2005).
  22. 2004

    1. Erk, K., Padó, S.: A powerful and versatile XML Format for                  representing role-semantic annotation. In: Proceedings of LREC 2004. , Lisbon, Portugal (2004).
    2. Ellsworth, M., Erk, K., Kingsbury, P., Padó, S.: PropBank, SALSA and FrameNet: How Design Determines Product. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Building Lexical Resources From Semantically Annotated Corpora, LREC-2004. , Lisbon, Portugal (2004).
    3. Baldewein, U., Erk, K., Padó, S., Prescher, D.: Semantic Role Labelling With Similarity-Based                  Generalisation Using EM-based Clustering. In: Proceedings of SENSEVAL 3. , Barcelona, Spain (2004).
    4. Padó, S., Boleda Torrent, G.: The Influence of Argument Structure on Semantic Role                  Assignment. In: Proceedings of EMNLP 2004. pp. 103--110. , Barcelona, Spain (2004).
    5. Baldewein, U., Erk, K., Padó, S., Prescher, D.: Semantic Role Labelling for Chunk Sequences. In: Proceedings of the CoNLL 2004 shared task. , Boston, MA (2004).
    6. Heid, U., Voormann, H., Milde, J.-U., Gut, U., Erk, K., Padó, S.: Querying both time-aligned and hierarchical corpora                  with NXT search. In: Proceedings of LREC 2004. , Lisbon, Portugal (2004).
  23. 2003

    1. Erk, K., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., Pinkal, M.: Building a Resource for Lexical Semantics. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Frame Semantics, XVII. International Congress of Linguists. , Prague, Czech Republic (2003).
    2. Erk, K., Kowalski, A., Padó, S.: The SALSA Annotation Tool. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface. , Nancy, France (2003).
    3. Erk, K., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., Pinkal, M.: Towards a Resource for Lexical Semantics: A Large                  German Corpus with Extensive Semantic Annotation. In: Proceedings of ACL 2003. , Sapporo, Japan (2003).
    4. Padó, S., Boleda Torrent, G.: Towards a better understanding of frame element assignment errors. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface. , Nancy, France (2003).
    5. Padó, S., Lapata, M.: Constructing Semantic Space Models from Parsed                  Corpora. In: Proceedings of ACL 2003. pp. 128--135. , Sapporo, Japan (2003).

WS 2019:

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seit 2013:
Professor für theoretische Computerlinguistik, IMS, Universität Stuttgart
Professor für Computerlinguistik, ICL, Universität Heidelberg
Juniorprofessor für Computerlinguistik, IMS, Universität Stuttgart
Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University
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