- Typ
- Autor
Nico Blokker, Erenay Dayanik, Gabriella Lapesa, and Sebastian Padó
- Beschreibung
A German corpus that adds annotations following the Political Claims Analysis approach to migration-relevant sections of party manifestos from five German parties in the 2013 and 2017 federal elections (as provided by the MARPOR-corpus).
- Referenz
DEmaNet is a German corpus that adds annotations following the Political Claims Analysis approach to migration-relevant sections of party manifestos from five German parties in the 2013 and 2017 federal elections (as provided by the MARPOR-corpus: It consists of 1163 annotated text spans containing 722 political claims. See the R-file below for further information. The data set is published under a Creative Commons license.
- Download
In order to gather the annotation, download the three files below. File 1 is an R script which will dowlnload for you the manifesto data from the MARPOR corpus (which we are not allowed to distribute in its unannotated version) and merge it with the annotations contained in File 2 and 3.
Gabriella Lapesa
Dr.Sebastian Padó
Prof. Dr.Lehrstuhlinhaber Theoretische Computerlinguistik, Geschäftführender Direktor des IMS
Erenay Dayanik
Ehemaliger Doktorand