- Typ
- Autor
Helmut Schmid and Florian Laws
- Beschreibung
The RFTagger is a tool for the annotation of text with fine-grained part-of-speech tags. It has been trained on German, Czech, Slovene, Slovak, and Hungarian data.
The tagger is described in the following paper:
Helmut Schmid and Florian Laws: "Estimation of Conditional Probabilities with Decision Trees and an Application to Fine-Grained POS Tagging" (pdf)
Here is some sample output:
word part of speech Das PRO.Dem.Subst.-3.Nom.Sg.Neut ist VFIN.Sein.3.Sg.Pres.Ind ein ART.Indef.Nom.Sg.Masc Testsatz N.Reg.Nom.Sg.Masc . SYM.Pun.Sent - Referenz
Please cite the following publication if you want to refer to the RFTagger:
Helmut Schmid and Florian Laws: Estimation of Conditional Probabilities with Decision Trees and an Application to Fine-Grained POS Tagging, COLING 2008, Manchester, Great Britain. (pdf)
- Download
The source code of the RFTagger can be downloaded here. It comes with parameter files for German, Czech, Slovene, Slovak, and Hungarian (Linux PCs only) and is freely available for education, research and other non-commercial purposes. The package also contains Linux binaries.
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