Leider nicht mehr verfügbar: IMS Deutsche Festival Sprachsynthese
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IMS German Festival wird leider nicht mehr zum Download zur Verfügung gestellt.
- Autor
Gregor Möhler, Antje Schweitzer, Mark Breitenbücher, Martin Barbisch, und andere
- Beschreibung
Die Sprachsynthese-Aktivitäten am IMS (ehemaliger Lehrstuhl Experimentelle Phonetik) konzentrierten sich in den 2000er Jahren bis 2010 auf verschiedene linguistische und anwendungsorientierte Aspekte der Sprachsynthese. Unser Ziel war es, eine natürlich klingende und sprachlich motivierte Sprachsynthese zu erreichen.
Das damals am IMS entwickelte Sprachsynthesesystem ist das IMSGermanFestival System. Es basiert auf dem ursprünglichen, am CSTR der Universität Edinburgh entwickelten Festival Sprachsyntheserahmen. Es verwendete Diphone, die aus dem MBROLA Projekt stammen.
- Information über die (leider nicht mehr erhältliche) letzte Version
IMS German Festival is currently not distributed anymore.
We keep the description below for people who may still be using our sources:
The German Festival version was developed at the Institute of Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart by Gregor Möhler, Antje Schweitzer, Mark Breitenbücher, Martin Barbisch, and others.
IMS German Festival is a German Text-to-Speech system which we provide as an extension to the original Festival distribution by CSTR, University of Edinburgh. Together with two non-IMS resources (the BOMP lexicon developed at the former IKP institute at University of Bonn, which is included in the distribution, and diphones from the MBROLA project) it enables Festival to speak German.
IMS German Festival contains all modules necessary for text-to-speech conversion. More explicitly this involves linguistic text analysis (modules tokenization, token-pos, token-to-word), grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (lexicon-lookup, letter-to-sound rules), prosody (phrasing, intonation, duration, intonation targets) and waveform synthesis (carried out by the MBROLA engine through an appropriate interface).
For more background information about the IMS German Festival see the README file and the COPYING file of the distribution or consult the manual included in the distribution.
The packages are distributed for research and educational (i.e. non-commercial and non-military) purposes. The license terms can be found in the file COPYING.ims_german_festival for the IMS German Festival package and in file COPYING.bomp for the BOMP lexicon.NEW!! This is a new version, IMS German Festival 1.4beta-os. It is compatible with Festival_2.5 and should also work with older versions down to Festival_1.95. Older IMS German Festival sources are also provided in a separate directory on the download page, in case you prefer them.
These are the changes compared to version IMS German Festival 1.3:
- compatible with Festival 2.5
- should compile with recent versions of gcc
- can be used with the new MBROLA distribution available from github
These are the changes compared to version IMS German Festival 1.2-os:
- compatible with Festival 2.4 (and 2.1, 1.96, 1.95)
- handles short, tense vowels
- no error when no voiced segment in syllable
- supports MBROLA voice de4, with glottalized and unglottalized vowels
- can deal with British English 9: in BOMP lexicon
- improved duration for nasals
- new text preprocessing, hopefully improved! but still far from perfect (numbers, abbreviations, etc.)
- can theoretically deal with French accents in text (but reasonable pronunciation only if words are added in lexicon!)
- less unknown_diphones warnings
- better durations, and also pause lengths reduced, especially utterance-initial and utt-final
- more reasonable voice resets
- BOMP lexicon improved: distinguish between A~ and o~, some errors corrected
- festival/examples/text2wave should work with German voices now
- Festival 2.5 (speech_tools and festival itself)
from http://www.festvox.org/festival
compiled on a Linux machine (with GCC) - MBROLA engine and at least one German MBROLA voice
from the MBROLA project page
Here are the FAQ.
Here is a link to Carnival, a GUI for Festival, which was developed at the IMS.More information
Please send an email to german-festival AT ims.uni-stuttgart.de.
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Fügen Sie die Zeile
ALSO_INCLUDE += ims_german_text
an das Ende von festival/config/config an. Beachten Sie, dass die Ausführung von 'configure' die Datei config/config mit der Datei config/config.in überschreibt. Es wird empfohlen, die Zeile dort zusätzlich einzufügen, aber nur config/config wird zur Übersetzungszeit abgefragt.