Simple Compound Splitting for German
- Typ
- Autor
Marion Weller-Di Marco
- Beschreibung
This simple splitting method for German compounds combines a basic frequency-based approach with a form-to-lemma mapping to approximate morphological operations. With the exception of a small set of hand-crafted rules for modeling transitional elements, this approach is resource-poor, relying only on a lemma-frequency list and a mapping from inflected to lemmatzied forms.
Häuserfassade_N → Haus_N Fassade_N
Abfüllanlage_N → abfüllen_V Anlage_N
- Referenz
Marion Weller-Di Marco (2017): Simple Compound Splitting for German. In Proceedings of MWE 2017.
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Available here.

Sabine Schulte im Walde
Prof. Dr.Akademische Rätin