Five long papers and one demo accepted at ACL 2013

May 24, 2013 /

IMS Papers and Demos accepted at ACL 2013

Five long papers and one demo including authors from the IMS have been accepted for ACL 2013 in August!

Long Papers

Fabienne Braune, Nina Seemann, Daniel Quernheim and Andreas Maletti: "Shallow Local Multi Bottom-up Tree Transducers in Statistical Machine Translation."

Christian Scheible, Hinrich Schütze: "Sentiment Relevance."

Sebastian Sulger, Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King, Paul Meurer, Tibor Laczkó, György Rákosi, Cheikh Bamba Dione, Helge Dyvik, Victoria Rosén, Koenraad De Smedt, Agnieszka Patejuk, Ozlem Cetinoglu, I Wayan Arka and Meladel Mistica: "ParGramBank: The ParGram Parallel Treebank."

Marion Weller, Alex Fraser and Sabine Schulte im Walde: "Using Subcategorization Knowledge to improve Case Prediction for Translation to German."

Sina Zarrieß and Jonas Kuhn: "Combining Referring Expression Generation and Surface Realization: A Corpus-Based Investigation of Architectures."


Gregor Thiele, Markus Gärtner, Wolfgang Seeker, Anders Björkelund and Jonas Kuhn: "Icarus - An Extensible Graphical Search Tool for Dependency Treebanks."

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