Pfaffenwaldring 5 b
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 01.005
Research Interests
Cimiano, Philipp; Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin (2004) Ontology Driven Discourse Analysis for Information Extraction Data and Knowledge Engeneering Journal. |
Cimiano, Philipp; Reyle, Uwe (2003) Ontology-Driven Semantics Construction, Underspecification and Disambiguation in Proceedings of the Prospects and Advances in the Syntax and Semantics Interface Workshop Nancy. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin (2003) TIGERSearch attacks Proteins in Hans-Peter Lenhof Catherine Christophe and Marie-France Sagot, editors, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2003) in Conjunction with the French National Conference on Bioinformatics (JOBIM 2003). | |
Cimiano,P.; Ratsch, Esther; Schulz, J.; Reyle, Uwe; Rojas, Isabel; Saric, Jasmin; Wittig, Ulrike (2003) Developping a Protein Interactions Ontology Comparative and Functional Genomics |
Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin; Lavin, Philipp Cimiano; Zinsmeister, Heike (2002) Ontology-driven disambiguation of syntactic and semantic ambiguities in GenIE European Media Laboratory, Heidelberg poster at Workshop on Ontology for Biology. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin (2002) Corpus Driven Information Extraction in Robert Baud and Patrick Ruch, editors, Proceedings of the EFMI Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Biomedical Applications unknown, Nicosia, Cyprus. |
Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov (1997) Labelled Resolution for Classical an Non-classical Logics Studia Logica, 2 (59). | |
Reyle, Uwe; Ohlbach, H. J., editors (1997) Logic and its Applications: Festschrift for Dov Gabbay Kluwer, Dordrecht. |
Gabbay, Dov; Reyle, Uwe (1994) Direct Deductive Computation on Discourse Representation Structures. Linguistics and Philosophy. | |
Gabbay, Dov; Reyle, Uwe (1994) N-PROLOG: An Extension of PROLOG with Hypothetical Implications Journal of Logic Programming 4:319-355. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov (1994) Direct Deductive Computation on Discourse Representation Structures Linguistics and Philosophy. |
Gabbay, Dov; Reyle, Uwe (1993) Computation with run time skolemisation (N-PROLOG part 3) Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 3(1):93-128. | |
Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe (1993) From Discourse to Logic. Introduction to Modeltheoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory Kluwer, Dordrecht. | |
Reyle, Uwe (1993) Dealing with Ambiguities by Underspecification: Construction, Representation and Deduction Journal of Semantics 10(2):123-179. | |
Reyle, Uwe (1993) Dealing with Ambiguities by Underspecification: Construction, Representation, and Deduction Journal of Semantics 10(2):123-179. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov (1993) Computation with Run-Time-Skolemization. N-PROLOG III Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics III, 1. |
Frank, Anette; Reyle, Uwe (1992) How to Cope with Scrambling and Scope in Proceedings of KONVENS 92, Nürnberg. | |
Frank, Anette; Reyle, Uwe (1992) How to Cope with Scrambling and Scope in G. Görtz, editor, KONVENS 92. 1. Konferenz ``Verarbeitung nat�rlicher Sprache'' Informatik aktuell pp. 178-187 Springer Verlag, Berlin. | |
Reyle, Uwe (1992) Dealing with Ambiguities by Underspecification: Deduction in Proceedings of the Eighth Amsterdam Colloquium Amsterdam. |
Reyle, Uwe (1988) Compositional Semantics for LFG in Uwe Reyle and Christian Rohrer, editors, Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories pp. 448-474 Reidel. | |
Reyle, Uwe (1988) Compositional Semantics for LFG in Uwe Reyle and Christian Rohrer, editors, Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories pp. 448-474 Reidel. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Rohrer, Christian, editors (1988) Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theory Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy Reidel. |
Reyle, Uwe; Rohrer, C., editors (1987) Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories Kluwer, Dordrecht. |
Reyle, Uwe (1986) Die temporale Dimension und die Behandlung von Aktionsarten beim Prozessieren natürlicher Sprachen Ph.D. thesis Universit�t Stuttgart erschienen als: Zeit und Aspekt bei der Verarbeitung nat�rlicher Sprache. IBM Stuttgart. | |
Reyle, Uwe (1986) Zeit und Aspekt bei der Verarbeitung nat�rlicher Sprachen Ph.D. thesis Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universit�t Stuttgart Stuttgart. |
Reyle, Uwe (1985) Grammatical Functions, Discourse Referents and Quantification in Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence pp. 829-31. | |
Reyle, Uwe (1985) Grammatical Functions, Discourse Referents and Quantification in Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI, Los Angeles. | |
Reyle, Uwe (1985) Grundprinzipien der Diskursrepräsentationstheorie in Proceedings of the 9th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence GWAI, Dassel/Solling. | |
Reyle, Uwe (1985) Zur Interpretation des Französischen Imparfait in U. Klenk, editor, Strukturen und Verfahren in der maschinellen Sprachverarbeitung Dudweiler. |
Reyle, Uwe (1984) über die Beantwortung Natürlichsprachlicher Fragen an Datenbanken in R. Rollinger, editor, Probleme des Textverstehens. Ans�tze zur k�nstlichen Intelligenz Niemeyer, T�bingen. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov (1984) N-Prolog: An Extension of Prolog with Hypothecial Implications Journal of Logic Programming 1. |
Frey, Werner; Reyle, Uwe (1983) A Prolog Implementation of Lexical Functional Grammar as a Base for a Natural Language Processing System in Proceedings of the Conference of the European Assocation of Computational Linguistics pp. 52-57 Pisa, Italy. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Frey, W. (1983) Lexical Functional Grammar und Diskursrepräsentationstheorie als Grundlage eines sprachverarbeitenden Systems Linguistische Berichte 88/83. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Frey, W. (1983) A Prolog Implementation of Lexical Functional Grammar in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Artificial Intelligence IJCAI, Karlsruhe. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Frey, W. (1983) A Prolog Implementation of Lexical Functional Grammar as a Base for a Natural Language Processing System in Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the ECAI ECAI, Pisa. | |
Reyle, Uwe; Frey, W.; Rohrer, C. (1983) Automatic Construction of a Knowledge Base by Analysing Texts in Natural Language in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI, Karlsruhe. |