This image shows Uwe Reyle

Uwe Reyle

Apl. Prof. Dr.

Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS)
Grundlagen der Computerlinguistik


Pfaffenwaldring 5 b
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 01.005




Bäuerle, Rainer; Reyle, Uwe; Zimmermann, Thomas E., editors (2005) Presuppositions and Discourse. Essays offered to Hans Kamp Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Cimiano, Philipp; Reyle, Uwe (2005) Talking about Trees, Scope and Concepts in submitted to: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Semantics IWCS-6 Tilburg.
Kamp, Hans; van Genabith, Josef; Reyle, Uwe (2005) Discourse Representation Theory Chapter in: Handbook of Philosophical Logic, D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner (eds.) PDF 
Reyle, Uwe; Rossdeutscher, Antje; Kamp, Hans (2005) Ups and Downs in the Theory of Temporal Reference submitted to: Linguistics & Philosophy.   PDF 


Cimiano, Philipp; Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin (2004) Ontology Driven Discourse Analysis for Information Extraction Data and Knowledge Engeneering Journal.


Cimiano, Philipp; Reyle, Uwe (2003) Ontology-Driven Semantics Construction, Underspecification and Disambiguation in Proceedings of the Prospects and Advances in the Syntax and Semantics Interface Workshop Nancy.
Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin (2003) TIGERSearch attacks Proteins in Hans-Peter Lenhof Catherine Christophe and Marie-France Sagot, editors, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2003) in Conjunction with the French National Conference on Bioinformatics (JOBIM 2003).
Cimiano,P.; Ratsch, Esther; Schulz, J.; Reyle, Uwe; Rojas, Isabel; Saric, Jasmin; Wittig, Ulrike (2003) Developping a Protein Interactions Ontology Comparative and Functional Genomics


Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin; Lavin, Philipp Cimiano; Zinsmeister, Heike (2002) Ontology-driven disambiguation of syntactic and semantic ambiguities in GenIE European Media Laboratory, Heidelberg poster at Workshop on Ontology for Biology.
Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin (2002) Corpus Driven Information Extraction in Robert Baud and Patrick Ruch, editors, Proceedings of the EFMI Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Biomedical Applications unknown, Nicosia, Cyprus.


Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe, editors (2001) How we say WHEN it happens. Contributions to the theory of temporal reference in natural language Max Niemeyer Verlag.
Krause, Peter; Reyle, Uwe; Schiehlen, Michael (2001) Spatial Inferences in a Localization Dialogue in Bras, Myriam and Vieu, Laure, editor, Experimenting with Current Dynamic Theories Semantic and Pragmatic Issues in Discourse and Dialogue Pergamon.
Reyle, Uwe (2001) On the semantics of PUIS and ALORS in Hans Kamp and Uwe Reyle, editors, How we say WHEN it happens. Contributions to the theory of temporal reference in natural language Max Niemeyer Verlag.
Reyle, Uwe; Poesio, M. (2001) Underspecification in Anaphoric Reference in Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Semantics IWCS-4, Tilburg.
Reyle, Uwe; Rossdeutscher, Antje (2001) Temporal Underspecification in Discourse in C. Rohrer; A. Rossdeutscher and H. Kamp, editors, Linguistic Form and its Computation pp. 255-283 CSLI.   Postscript 
Reyle, Uwe; Saric, Jasmin (2001) Ontology-Driven Information Extraction in Paul van der Vet; Gertjan van Ommen; Anton Nijholt and Alfonso Valencia, editors, Proceedings of the ninetenth Twente Workshop on Language Technology, TWLT 19 University of Enschede.   Postscript 


Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov; Ginzburg, Jonathan; Lappin, Shalom; Kempson, Ruth, editors (2000) Journal of Language and Computation Hermes Science Publishing Ltd. Oxford.   Postscript 
Reyle, Uwe; Poesio, M. (2000) Underspecification in reference: some evidence from corpora in Proceedings of the KR-2000 Workshop on Semantic Approximation, Granularity, and Vagueness Breckenridge.


K�nig, Esther; Reyle, Uwe (1999) A General Reasoning Scheme for Underspecified Representations in Hans Jürgen Ohlbach and Uwe Reyle, editors, Logic, Language and Reasoning. Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay. Kluwer.   Postscript 
Krause, Peter; Reyle, Uwe; Schiehlen, Michael (1999) Spatial Inferences in a Localization Dialogue in Sixi�me confürence annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'99), ATALA Carg�se, Corse.
Reyle, Uwe (1999) A note on enumerations and the semantics of ``puis'' and ``alors'' Cahiers de Grammaire 1.
Reyle, Uwe; Poesio, M. (1999) Partially Resolved Interpretations in Proceedings of the Paris Conference on Syntax and Semantics Paris.


Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov (1997) Labelled Resolution for Classical an Non-classical Logics Studia Logica, 2 (59).
Reyle, Uwe; Ohlbach, H. J., editors (1997) Logic and its Applications: Festschrift for Dov Gabbay Kluwer, Dordrecht.


Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe (1996) A Calculus for First Order Discourse Representation Structures Journal of Logic, Language, and Information pp. 297-348.
Reyle, Uwe (1996) Co-indexing Labeled DRSs to Represent and Reason with Ambiguities in Kees van Deemter and Stanley Peters, editors, Semantic Ambiguity and Underspecification number 55 pp. 239-268 CSLI publications.
Reyle, Uwe (1996) Co-Indexing Labelled DRSs to Represent and Reason with Ambiguities in Stanley Peters and Kees van Deemter, editors, Semantic Ambiguity and Underspecification CSLI Lecture Notes Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, Ca.   Postscript 


Frank, Anette; Reyle, Uwe (1995) Principle Based Semantics for HPSG in Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, European Chapter Dublin.   Postscript 
Frank, Anette; Reyle, Uwe (1995) Principle Based Semantics for HPSG Arbeitspapier des Sonderforschungsbereich 340 Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universit�t Stuttgart.
Frank, Anette; Reyle, Uwe (1995) Principle Based Semantics for HPSG in Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, European Chapter Dublin.
Reyle, Uwe (1995) On Reasoning with Ambiguities in Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, European Chapter pp. 1-8 Dublin.   Postscript 
Reyle, Uwe (1995) On Reasoning with Ambiguities in Proceedings of the EACL-95 Dublin.
Reyle, Uwe (1995) Underspecified Discourse Representation Structures and their Logic Special Issue of the Bulletin of the IGPL ruth Kempson (Hrsg.).
Reyle, Uwe (1995) Underspecified Discourse Representations and their Logic Bulletin of the Interest Group of Logic Programming.
Reyle, Uwe; Kamp, Hans; Rossdeutscher, Antje (1995) Diskursrepräsentation: unterspezifiziert, lexikonbasiert in J. Kilbury and R. Wiese, editors, Integrative Ans�tze in der Computerlinguistik. Beitr�ge zur 5.Fachtagung des Sektion Computerlinguistik der DGfS D�sseldorf.


Gabbay, Dov; Reyle, Uwe (1994) Direct Deductive Computation on Discourse Representation Structures. Linguistics and Philosophy.
Gabbay, Dov; Reyle, Uwe (1994) N-PROLOG: An Extension of PROLOG with Hypothetical Implications Journal of Logic Programming 4:319-355.
Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov (1994) Direct Deductive Computation on Discourse Representation Structures Linguistics and Philosophy.


Gabbay, Dov; Reyle, Uwe (1993) Computation with run time skolemisation (N-PROLOG part 3) Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 3(1):93-128.
Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe (1993) From Discourse to Logic. Introduction to Modeltheoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Reyle, Uwe (1993) Dealing with Ambiguities by Underspecification: Construction, Representation and Deduction Journal of Semantics 10(2):123-179.
Reyle, Uwe (1993) Dealing with Ambiguities by Underspecification: Construction, Representation, and Deduction Journal of Semantics 10(2):123-179.
Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov (1993) Computation with Run-Time-Skolemization. N-PROLOG III Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics III, 1.


Frank, Anette; Reyle, Uwe (1992) How to Cope with Scrambling and Scope in Proceedings of KONVENS 92, Nürnberg.
Frank, Anette; Reyle, Uwe (1992) How to Cope with Scrambling and Scope in G. Görtz, editor, KONVENS 92. 1. Konferenz ``Verarbeitung nat�rlicher Sprache'' Informatik aktuell pp. 178-187 Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Reyle, Uwe (1992) Dealing with Ambiguities by Underspecification: Deduction in Proceedings of the Eighth Amsterdam Colloquium Amsterdam.


Reyle, Uwe (1988) Compositional Semantics for LFG in Uwe Reyle and Christian Rohrer, editors, Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories pp. 448-474 Reidel.
Reyle, Uwe (1988) Compositional Semantics for LFG in Uwe Reyle and Christian Rohrer, editors, Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories pp. 448-474 Reidel.
Reyle, Uwe; Rohrer, Christian, editors (1988) Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theory Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy Reidel.


Reyle, Uwe; Rohrer, C., editors (1987) Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories Kluwer, Dordrecht.


Reyle, Uwe (1986) Die temporale Dimension und die Behandlung von Aktionsarten beim Prozessieren natürlicher Sprachen Ph.D. thesis Universit�t Stuttgart erschienen als: Zeit und Aspekt bei der Verarbeitung nat�rlicher Sprache. IBM Stuttgart.
Reyle, Uwe (1986) Zeit und Aspekt bei der Verarbeitung nat�rlicher Sprachen Ph.D. thesis Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universit�t Stuttgart Stuttgart.


Reyle, Uwe (1985) Grammatical Functions, Discourse Referents and Quantification in Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence pp. 829-31.
Reyle, Uwe (1985) Grammatical Functions, Discourse Referents and Quantification in Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI, Los Angeles.
Reyle, Uwe (1985) Grundprinzipien der Diskursrepräsentationstheorie in Proceedings of the 9th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence GWAI, Dassel/Solling.
Reyle, Uwe (1985) Zur Interpretation des Französischen Imparfait in U. Klenk, editor, Strukturen und Verfahren in der maschinellen Sprachverarbeitung Dudweiler.


Reyle, Uwe (1984) über die Beantwortung Natürlichsprachlicher Fragen an Datenbanken in R. Rollinger, editor, Probleme des Textverstehens. Ans�tze zur k�nstlichen Intelligenz Niemeyer, T�bingen.
Reyle, Uwe; Gabbay, Dov (1984) N-Prolog: An Extension of Prolog with Hypothecial Implications Journal of Logic Programming 1.



Frey, Werner; Reyle, Uwe (1983) A Prolog Implementation of Lexical Functional Grammar as a Base for a Natural Language Processing System in Proceedings of the Conference of the European Assocation of Computational Linguistics pp. 52-57 Pisa, Italy.
Reyle, Uwe; Frey, W. (1983) Lexical Functional Grammar und Diskursrepräsentationstheorie als Grundlage eines sprachverarbeitenden Systems Linguistische Berichte 88/83.
Reyle, Uwe; Frey, W. (1983) A Prolog Implementation of Lexical Functional Grammar in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Artificial Intelligence IJCAI, Karlsruhe.
Reyle, Uwe; Frey, W. (1983) A Prolog Implementation of Lexical Functional Grammar as a Base for a Natural Language Processing System in Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the ECAI ECAI, Pisa.
Reyle, Uwe; Frey, W.; Rohrer, C. (1983) Automatic Construction of a Knowledge Base by Analysing Texts in Natural Language in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI, Karlsruhe.


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