Pfaffenwaldring 5 b
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 02.019
Office Hours
Thursdays 10:00 -- 11:00 (please write me an email before coming)
- Statistical Dependency Parsing (SS 2017, SS 2018, WS 2019, WS 2020, WS 2022)
- Programming for Computational Linguistics (WS 2018, WS 2019, WS 2020, WS 2022, WS 2024)
- Parsing (SS 2019)
- Interpretability and Analysis of NLP Models (SS 2021, SS 2022, SS 2024)
- Language in Social Context (SS 2024)
- Information Retrieval and Text Mining (WS 2024)
- Language in Social Context: Bridging NLP and Sociolinguistics (ESSLLI 2024 co-taught with Dr. Filip Miletić)