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Gerhard Kremer and Kerstin Jung. Maschinelles Lernen lernen: Ein CRETA-Hackatorial zur reflektierten automatischen Textanalyse. In DHd 2020 Digital Spielräume: Digital Humanities zwischen Modellierung und Interpretation. Conference abstracts, pages 33--36, Paderborn, Germany, February 2020. Christof Schöch.
[ article | BibTeX | presentation ]
Nils Reiter, Gerhard Kremer, Kerstin Jung, Benjamin Krautter, Janis Pagel, and Axel Pichler. Reaching out: Interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und Dissemination. In Nils Reiter, Axel Pichler, and Jonas Kuhn, editors, Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse -- Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der CRETA-Werkstatt, pages 467--484. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, July 2020.
[ article | BibTeX ]
Gerhard Kremer and Kerstin Jung. Maschinelles Lernen lernen: Ein CRETA-Hackatorial zur reflektierten automatischen Textanalyse. In DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. Conference abstracts, pages 36--39, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, March 2019. Zenodo.
[ article | BibTeX ]
Nils Reiter, Nora Ketschik, Gerhard Kremer, and Sarah Schulz. Maschinelles Lernen lernen: Ein CRETA-Hackatorial zur reflektierten automatischen Textanalyse. In Conference abstracts of DHd 2018, pages 39–42, Cologne, Germany, 2018.
[ article | BibTeX ]
Nils Reiter, Sarah Schulz, Gerhard Kremer, Roman Klinger, Gabriel Viehhauser, and Jonas Kuhn. Teaching computational aspects in the Digital Humanities program at University of Stuttgart – Intentions and experiences. In Peggy Bockwinkel, Thierry Declerck, Sandra Kübler, and Heike Zinsmeister, editors, Proceedings of the GSCL Workshop on Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities (Teach4DH 2017), volume 1918 of CEUR workshop proceedings, pages 43–48, 2017.
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Nils Reiter, Andre Blessing, Nora Echelmeyer, Steffen Koch, Gerhard Kremer, Sandra Murr, Maximilian Overbeck, and Axel Pichler. CUTE: CRETA Un-/Shared Task zu Entitätenreferenzen. In Conference abstracts of DHd 2017, pages 19–22, Bern, Switzerland, 2017. Workshop material available from
[ article | BibTeX | workshop materials ]
Kremer, Gerhard. Verstehen Computer Sprache? In Ekkehard Felder and Rudger Lieb, editors, Texte. Seit 1386. Gedichte – Kurzprosa – Sprachdaten. Von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern der Universität Heidelberg in der Akademischen Mittagspause vorgestellt und erläutert, pages 145–151, Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, 1st edition.
[ article | BibTeX | presentation ]
Gerhard Kremer, Katrin Erk, Sebastian Padó, and Stefan Thater. What substitutes tell us – Analysis of an ”all-words“ lexical substitution corpus. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), pages 540–549, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2014. Association for Computational Linguistics.
[ article | BibTeX | corpus ]
Gerhard Kremer, Matthias Hartung, Sebastian Padó, and Stefan Riezler. Statistical machine translation support improves human adjective translation. Translation: Computation, Corpora, Cognition. Special Issue on the Crossroads Between Contrastive Linguistics, Translation Studies, and Machine Translation, 2(1):103–126, July 2012.
[ article | BibTeX | teaser presentation ]
Gerhard Kremer and Marco Baroni. A set of semantic norms for German and Italian. Behavior Research Methods, 43(1):97–109, March 2011. doi: 10.3758/s13428-010-0028-x. Final paper version available from publisher at
[ article | BibTeX | manuscript | data collection ]
Gerhard Kremer. A Crow’s Beak is not Yellow – Investigations on Cognitively Salient Concept Properties. PhD thesis, Center for Mind and Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento, Italy, 2010.
[ dissertation | BibTeX | presentation | poster1 | poster2 | programming scripts ]
Gerhard Kremer and Marco Baroni. Predicting cognitively salient modifiers of the constitutive parts of concepts. In Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL), pages 54–62, Uppsala, Sweden, July 2010. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
[ article | BibTeX | presentation ]
Gerhard Kremer and Andrea Abel. Semantic relations in cognitive eLexicography. In Anne Dykstra and Tanneke Schoonheim, editors, Proceedings of the XIV EURALEX International Congress, pages 380–388, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, July 2010. Fryske Akademy, Afûk.
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Gerhard Kremer, Andrea Abel, and Marco Baroni. Cognitively salient relations for multilingual lexicography. In Michael Zock and Chu-Ren Huang, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (COGALEX 2008), pages 94–101, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 2008. Coling 2008 Organizing Committee.
[ article | BibTeX | presentation ]
Stefanie Anstein and Gerhard Kremer. Analysing Names of Organic Chemical Compounds – From Morpho-Semantics to SMILES Strings and Classes. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, March 2008.
Stefanie Anstein, Gerhard Kremer, and Uwe Reyle. Identifying and classifying terms in the life sciences: The case of chemical terminology. In Nicoletta Calzolari, Khalid Choukri, Aldo Gangemi, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Jan Odijk, and Daniel Tapias, editors, Proceedings of the Fifth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2006), pages 1095–1098. ELRA–ELDA Genoa, Italy, 2006.
[ article | BibTeX ]
Gerhard Kremer, Stefanie Anstein, and Uwe Reyle. Analysing and classifying names of chemical compounds with CHEMorph. In Sophia Ananiadou and Juliane Fluck, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM 2006), pages 37–43. JULIE Lab, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany, 2006.
[ article | BibTeX | presentation ]
Stefanie Anstein and Gerhard Kremer. Analysing names of organic chemical compounds – From morpho-semantics to SMILES strings and classes. Diploma thesis, Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS), University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2005.
[ thesis | BibTeX | Prolog source code available on request ]
Gerhard Kremer. Untersuchung der Sprecherindividualität höherer Formanten. Student’s thesis, Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS), University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2004.
[ thesis | BibTeX | presentation ]
Winter term 2019/20
Programmierung für die Digital Humanities
Winter term 2017/18
Programming course for first-time programmers
Winter term 2016/17
Computer skills for Computational Linguists
Programming course for first-time programmers
(teaching at the ICL, University of Heidelberg:)
Summer term 2013
Einführung in psycholinguistische Methoden
Multimodale Semantik
Winter term 2012/13
Multimodale Semantik
Begleitveranstaltung zum Softwareprojekt
Summer term 2012
Einführung in die Psycholinguistik für Computerlinguisten
Einführung in psycholinguistische Methoden
Winter term 2011/12
Programmieren I