IMS Papiere bei ICASSP, ESSV und ICPhS akzeptiert

12. Februar 2019 / Heike Adel

Bei ICASSP, ESSV und ICPhS wurden folgende IMS-Papiere akzeptiert. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Autoren!

ICASSP (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing)

- D. Ortega, C.Y Li, G. Vallejo, P. Denisov, N.T. Vu. "Context-aware Neural-based Dialog Act Classification On Automatically Generated Transcriptions".

- M.Neumann, N.T. Vu. "Improving Speech Emotion Recognition With Unsupervised Representation Learning On Unlabeled Speech".

ESSV (Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing)

- P. Denisov and N. T. Vu. "IMS-Speech: A Speech to Text Tool".

- C. Y. Li and N. T. Vu. "Investigation of Densely Connected Convolutional Networks with Domain Adversarial Learning for Noise Robust Speech Recognition".

- S. Stehwien, A. Schweitzer and N. T. Vu. "Convolutional Neural Networks Can Learn Duration for Detecting Pitch Accents and Lexical Stress".

ICPhS (International Congress of Phonetic Sciences)

- S. Jenne, A. Schweitzer, S. Zerbian, N. T. Vu. "Phonological Error Detection for Pronunciation Training Using Neural Spectrogram Recognition".

- A. Schweitzer, W. Wokurek, P. M. Pützer. "Convergence of Harmonic Voice Quality Parameters in Spontaneous Dialogues".

- F. Kügler, S. Baumann, B. Andreeva, B. Braun, M. Grice, J. Neitsch, O. Niebuhr, J. Peters, C. Roehr, A. Schweitzer, P. Wagner. "Annotation of German Intonation: DIMA compared with other annotation systems".

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