Stellenausschreibung am IMS: Professur für Digitale Phonetik

27. Oktober 2016 / Jason Utt

The chair’s research and teaching is supposed to focus on the development of theoretically founded methods for Speech Processing/Spoken Language Processing pertinent for the digitization of language processes and data collections. It should form an integral part of the interdisciplinary research area located between Linguistics, Speech Processing/Natural Language Processing, Human-Computer Interaction and Visual Analytics. The chair includes leadership of a research group at the Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS).

In addition to foundational research in Automatic Speech Recognition and Phonetics, the research profile of the chair should cover application-related basic research in several of the following areas:

  • Development of machine learning methods for speech processing, with systematic adaptation to application scenarios (in particular for scenarios with limited availability of data, such as non-native and dialectical utterances, resource-poor languages, special domains, etc.)
  • Theoretically motivated modeling of prosody (intonation, phrasing, voice quality, etc.) in its linguistic functions (e.g., information focus) and paralinguistic functions (e. g., emotions)
  • Spoken Language Understanding, i. e., capturing the content and contextually determined communicative functions of spoken utterances
  • Experiment and simulation as methods of language research
  • Speech and language processing in multimodal and embedded interactive scenarios
  • Methodologies for the critically reflected exploration of speech data in large heterogeneous data collections (e.g., social media)

We are looking for an excellent researcher of international standing. The chair’s responsibilities include teaching in the areas of Phonetics, Phonology and Speech Processing within the study programs offered by the department of Computer Science, in particular the Germanlanguage B.Sc. program in Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung (Natural Language Processing) and the English-language M.Sc. program in Computational Linguistics. We expect experience in the acquisition of third-party funding and willingness to participate in collaborative research projects.

The requirements for employment listed in § 47 and § 50 Baden- Württemberg university law apply.

Applications should preferably be in electronic form and include the usual documents (vita; copies of certificates; list of publications, taught courses and past grant acquisition; statement of research interests) and three relevant publications. Please send them by December 1st, 2016 to the vice chair of the search committee:

Prof. Dr. Jonas Kuhn
Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
Pfaffenwaldring 5b
70569 Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart has established a Dual Career Program to offer assistance to partners of those moving to Stuttgart. For more information, please visit the website

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