Dieses Bild zeigt Manuel Mager

Manuel Mager


Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
Digitale Phonetik


Pfaffenwaldring 5 b
70569 Stuttgart

  1. 2024

    1. Reeber, T., Wolf, J., & Möhring, H. C. (2024). A Data-Driven Approach for Cutting Force Prediction in FEM Machining Simulations Using Gradient Boosted Machines. J. Manuf. Mater. Process., 8(3)(107), Article 107. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmmp8030107
    2. Reichelt, F., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2024). Hybrid Project Management in Design-Technology Convergence: Addressing the ever-changing world in the Automotive Industry. R&D Management 2024.
    3. Gadermann, L., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2024). A theoretical approach to design communication in mixed traffic. In K. Paetzold-Byhain, A. Augsten, & J. Krzywinski (Hrsg.), Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben - Menschen, Technik und Methoden in Produktentwicklung und Design 2024 (S. 183–195). Technische Universtität Dresden. https://doi.org/10.25368/2024.EEE.016
    4. Becker, F., & Blascheck, T. (2024). TimeSeriesMaker: Interactive Time Series Composition in No Time. 2024 IEEE 17th Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis). https://doi.org/10.1109/PacificVis60374.2024.00042
  2. 2023

    1. Racs, M., Holder, D., Hutter, M., Maier, T., & Gundelsweiler, B. (2023). Anpassbare Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen zwischen Adaptivität und Individualisierung. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2023, 524–535.
    2. Schäffer, M., Pomiersky, P., & Remlinger, W. (2023). Evaluation of Methods Time Measurement as an Analysis Tool for Movement Times During Driving Activities. In K. Hölzle, M. Kreimeyer, D. Roth, T. Maier, & O. Riedel (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 (S. 452–463).
    3. Gadermann, L., Holder, D., Kern, F., & Maier, T. (2023). Die ganzheitliche Beschreibung der Darstellungsgüte als effizientes Werkzeug im Entwicklungsprozess. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2023, 512–523.
    4. Reichelt, F., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2023). Optimisation Approach for the Convergence Process of Design and Technology in Automotive Development. Human Factors in Management and Leadership AHFE (2022) International Conference, 100, 109–118. https://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1002977
    5. Degen, M., Santos, J. C., Pluhackova, K., Cebrero, G., Ramos, S., Jankevicius, G., Hartenian, E., Guillerm, U., Mari, S. A., Kohl, B., Müller, D. J., Schanda, P., Maier, T., Perez, C., Sieben, C., Broz, P., & Hiller, S. (2023). Structural basis of NINJ1-mediated plasma membrane rupture in cell death. Nature - the International Journal of Science, 618, 1065–1071. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05991-z
    6. Hutter, M., Holder, D., Maier, T., & Gundelsweiler, B. (2023). Multistable setups combining magnetic shape memory alloys with reluctance counterforces. Engineering for a Changing World: Proceedings; 60th ISC, Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, 2023. https://doi.org/10.22032/DBT.58873
    7. Degen, M., Santos, J. C., Pluhackova, K., Cebrero, G., Ramos, S., Jankevicius, G., Hartenian, E., Guillerm, U., Mari, S. A., Kohl, B., Müller, D. J., Schanda, P., Maier, T., Perez, C., Sieben, C., Broz, P., & Hiller, S. (2023). Structural basis of NINJ1-mediated plasma membrane rupture in cell death. Nature, 618(7967), Article 7967. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05991-z
    8. Fastabend, J., Roth, D., & Kreimeyer, M. (2023). Classification of artificial intelligence applications in product development. In K. Hölzle, M. Kreimeyer, D. Roth, T. Maier, & O. Riedel (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 : Tagungsband zur Konferenz, Stuttgart, 25. Mai 2023 (S. 103–114). http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-13131
    9. Kießling, J., Reichelt, F., Holder, D., Maier, T., Scatturin, L., Aurelle, C., Vähning, A., Ruff, M., Pöllinger, M., Moser, D., & Schlecht, J. (2023). Innovatives Re:Design des Fahrzeuginnenraums für das Hochautomatisierte Fahren in Kombination mit alternativer Fahrzeugsteuerungssysteme.
    10. Bosch, M., Nitzlader, M., Voigt, M., Bachmann, M., Roth, D., Binz, H., Blandini, L., & Kreimeyer, M. (2023). Interdisziplinäre Entwicklung einer adaptiven Geschossdecke als leichtes Tragwerkselement im Bauwesen. In K. Hölzle, M. Kreimeyer, D. Roth, T. Maier, & O. Riedel (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 : Tagungsband zur Konferenz, Stuttgart, 25. Mai 2023 (S. 211–222). Fraunhofer IAO. https://doi.org/10.18419/opus-13131
    11. Kießling, J., Tondera, M., & Maier, T. (2023). Experiment on digital anthropometric measurements of the hand using machine vision. In K. Hölzle, M. Kreimeyer, D. Roth, T. Maier, & O. Riedel (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 : Tagungsband zur Konferenz, Stuttgart, 25. Mai 2023 (S. 428–439). Fraunhofer IAO. https://doi.org/10.18419/opus-13131
    12. Reichelt, F., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2023). The Vehicle Development Process Where Engineering Meets Industrial Design. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 51(4), Article 4. https://doi.org/10.1109/EMR.2023.3316711
    13. Kreimeyer, M., Maier, T., Roth, D., Langner, C., & Fuchs, L. (2023). Automatisierte ÖPNV-Systeme: Inklusion im autonomen Stadtbus. Magazin des Stuttgarter Maschinenbaus, 12/23(5), Article 5. https://www.verbund.uni-stuttgart.de/maschinenbau/dokumente/231115_SMB_Magazin5_Web.pdf
    14. Fischer, L., Holder, D., Müller, A., Kießling, J., Gritzbach, J., Wirsching, H.-J., & Maier, T. (2023). User-Centred Vehicle Layout Conception for Automated Vehicles Based on Digital, Human- Modelled Postures. SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-1222. https://doi.org/doi:10.4271/2023-01-1222
    15. Gadermann, L., Fischer, L., Holder, D., Ihle, N., Schlecht, J., & Maier, T. (2023). Design strategies compared: How eHMI are perceived in relation to the exterior design of automated vehicles. Ergonomics In Design. https://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1003417
    16. Mayer, D. (2023). Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Wandwärmeübergang in Dieselmotoren [Dissertation, Springer Vieweg]. In Wissenschaftliche Reihe Fahrzeugtechnik Universität Stuttgart. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-40889-3
    17. Langer, F., Matschuck, T., & Maier, T. (2023). Entwicklung eines aktiven Aufgabenwarn- und assistenzsystems für Unterarm und Handgelenk im Kontext von chirurgischen Armassistenzsystemen und Exoskeletten. In K. Hölzle, M. Kreimeyer, D. Roth, T. Maier, & O. Riedel (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 : Tagungsband zur Konferenz, Stuttgart, 25. Mai 2023 (S. 536–545). Fraunhofer IAO. https://doi.org/10.18419/opus-13131
    18. Fastabend, P. J., Roth, D., & Kreimeyer, M. (2023). Classification of artificial intelligence applications in product development. In K. Hölzle, M. Kreimeyer, D. Roth, T. Maier, & O. Riedel (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 : Tagungsband zur Konferenz, Stuttgart, 25. Mai 2023 (S. 103–114). Fraunhofer IAO. https://doi.org/10.18419/opus-13131
    19. Fischer, L., Gadermann, L., Holder, D., Ihle, N., Schlecht, J., & Maier, T. (2023). Investigation of the Influence of Sensors for Automated Driving on the Perception of Exterior Design. In G. Praetorius, C. Sellberg, & R. Patriarca (Hrsg.), Human Factors in Transportation (No. 95; Nummer 95, S. 204–215). AHFE International. https://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1003806
    20. Degen, M., Santos, J. C., Pluhackova, K., Cebrero, G., Ramos, S., Jankevicius, G., Hartenian, E., Guillerm, U., Mari, S. A., Kohl, B., Müller, D. J., Schanda, P., Maier, T., Perez, C., Sieben, C., Broz, P., & Hiller, S. (2023). Supplementary material for „Structural basis for ninjurin-1 mediated plasma membrane rupture in lytic cell death“. https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3373
    21. Gatidis, S., Kart, T., Fischer, M., Winzeck, S., Glocker, B., Bai, W., Bülow, R., Emmel, C., Friedrich, L., Kauczor, H.-U., Keil, T., Kröncke, T., Mayer, P., Niendorf, T., Peters, A., Pischon, T., Schaarschmidt, B. M., Schmidt, B., Schulze, M. B., … Rückert, D. (2023). Better Together : Data Harmonization and Cross-Study Analysis of Abdominal MRI Data From UK Biobank and the German National Cohort. Investigative Radiology, 58(5), Article 5. https://doi.org/10.1097/RLI.0000000000000941
    22. Maier, L., Kufferath-Sieberin, L., Pauly, L., Hopp-Hirschler, M., Gresser, G. T., & Nieken, U. (2023). Constitutive Correlations for Mass Transport in Fibrous Media Based on Asymptotic Homogenization. Materials, 16(5), Article 5. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16052014
    23. Gritzbach, J., Reichelt, F., Remlinger, W., & Maier, T. (2023). Schlüsselindikatoren für die nachhaltige Produktentwicklung von Fahrzeuginnenräumen. In K. Hölzle, M. Kreimeyer, D. Roth, T. Maier, & O. Riedel (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 (S. 247–258). Stuttgart : Fraunhofer IAO.
    24. Mayer, D., Lutz, E., & Widera, A. (2023). Generalized Clausius inequalities in a nonequilibrium cold-atom system. Communications Physics, 6(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-023-01175-3
  3. 2022

    1. Hollis, T. M., Schneider, R., Brox, M., Hein, T., Spirkl, W., Bach, M., Balakrishnan, M., Dietrich, S., Funfrock, F., Ivanov, M., Jovanovic, N., Kuzmenka, M., Lauber, D., Garrido, J. O., Ovard, D., Pfefferl, K., Piatkowski, S., Piscopo, G., Plan, M., … Wong, S. N. (2022). An 8-Gb GDDR6X DRAM Achieving 22 Gb/s/pin With Single-Ended PAM-4 Signaling. IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 57(1), Article 1. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/jssc/jssc57.html#HollisSBHSBBDFI22
    2. Schlereth, M., Stromer, D., Mantri, Y., Tsujimoto, J., Breininger, K., Maier, A. K., Anderson, C., Garimella, P. S., & Jokerst, J. V. (2022). Initial Investigations Towards Non-invasive Monitoring of Chronic Wound Healing Using Deep Learning and Ultrasound Imaging. CoRR, abs/2201.10511. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/corr/corr2201.html#abs-2201-10511
    3. Kern, F., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2022). Quantifying Influences on Perceived Design Age in Cars: A Conjoint Analysis. DS 118: Proceedings of NordDesign 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, 16th-18th August 2022, 1--10. https://doi.org/10.35199/NORDDESIGN2022.11
    4. Chiossi, F., Zagermann, J., Karolus, J., Rodrigues, N., Balestrucci, P., Weiskopf, D., Ehinger, B., Feuchtner, T., Reiterer, H., Chuang, L. L., Ernst, M., Bulling, A., Mayer, S., & Schmidt, A. (2022). Adapting visualizations and interfaces to the user. it - Information Technology, 64(4–5), Article 4–5. https://doi.org/10.1515/itit-2022-0035
    5. Reichelt, F., Blank, D., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2022). New Holistic Approach Towards a Technology-Driven Development-Model in Automotive. Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, 241--252. https://doi.org/10.1017/pds.2022.26
    6. Reichelt, F., Holder, D., Bosch, P. M., & Maier, T. (2022). How to support the appropriate method selection in design-technology-convergence? Human Factors in Management and Leadership AHFE (2022) International Conference, 55, 68–78. https://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1002234
    7. Fischer, L., Holder, D., Weiss, B., Kießling, J. M., Reichelt, F., & Maier, T. (2022). Factors influencing the perception of safety in automated vehicles interiors. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, P. Di Bucchianico, R. Taiar, L. Casarotto, & P. Costa (Hrsg.), Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems (Bd. 22). AHFE Open Access. https://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe100931
    8. Ebrahimi, A., Mager, M., Oncevay, A., Chaudhary, V., Chiruzzo, L., Fan, A., Ortega, J. E., Ramos, R., Rios, A., Meza-Ruiz, I., Giménez-Lugo, G. A., Mager, E., Neubig, G., Palmer, A., Coto-Solano, R., Vu, N. T., & Kann, K. (2022). AmericasNLI : Evaluating Zero-shot Natural Language Understanding of Pretrained Multilingual Models in Truly Low-resource Languages. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1 : Long Papers, 6279–6299. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2022.acl-long.435
    9. Tondera, M., Reichelt, F., Fischer, L., Kern, F., Kießling, J., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2022). Auditory perceived quality of manual-mechanical control elements in cars. In M. Bargende, H.-C. Reuss, & A. Wagner (Hrsg.), 22. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium : Automobil- und Motorentechnik (S. 337–349). Springer Vieweg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-37011-4_27
    10. Kann, K., Ebrahimi, A., Mager, M., Oncevay, A., Ortega, J. E., Rios, A., Fan, A., Gutierrez-Vasques, X., Chiruzzo, L., Gimenez-Lugo, G. A., Ramos, R., Ruiz, I. V. M., Mager, E., Chaudhary, V., Neubig, G., Palmer, A., Coto-Solano, R., & Vu, N. T. (2022). AmericasNLI : Machine translation and natural language inference systems for Indigenous languages of the Americas. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5, 995667. https://doi.org/10.3389/frai.2022.995667
    11. Maier-Hein, L., Eisenmann, M., Sarikaya, D., März, K., Collins, T., Malpani, A., Fallert, J., Feussner, H., Giannarou, S., Mascagni, P., Nakawala, H., Park, A., Pugh, C. M., Stoyanov, D., Vedula, S. S., Cleary, K., Fichtinger, G., Forestier, G., Gibaud, B., … Speidel, S. (2022). Surgical data science - from concepts toward clinical translation. Medical Image Anal., 76, 102306. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/mia/mia76.html#Maier-HeinESMCM22
    12. Tondera, M., Reichelt, F., Fischer, L., Kern, F., Kiessling, J. M., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2022). Auditory perceived quality of manual-mechanical control elements in cars. 22. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium, 337–349. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-37011-4_27
    13. Kart, T., Fischer, M., Winzeck, S., Glocker, B., Bai, W., Buelow, R., Emmel, C., Friedrich, L., Kauczor, H.-U., Keil, T., Kroencke, T., Mayer, P., Niendorf, T., Peters, A., Pischon, T., Schaarschmidt, B. M., Schmidt, B., Schulze, M. B., Umutle, L., … Gatidis, S. (2022). Automated imaging-based abdominal organ segmentation and quality control in 20,000 participants of the UK Biobank and German National Cohort Studies. Scientific Reports, 12, 18733. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23632-9
    14. Fillbrook, L. L., Günther, J.-P., Majer, G., O’Leary, D. J., Price, W. S., Van Ryswyk, H., Fischer, P., & Beves, J. E. (2022). Following Molecular Mobility during Chemical Reactions : No Evidence for Active Propulsion. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(49), Article 49. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.1c09455
    15. Günther, J.-P., Fillbrook, L. L., Majer, G., O’Leary, D. J., Price, W. S., Van Ryswyk, H., Fischer, P., & Beves, J. E. (2022). Comment on “Molecules, the Ultimate Nanomotor : Linking Chemical Reaction Intermediates to their Molecular Diffusivity”. ACS Nano, 16(7), Article 7. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c01607
    16. Maier, L., Hopp-Hirschler, M., & Nieken, U. (2022). Numerical Simulation of Multi-phase Flow in Porous Media with a Phase-field Method.
    17. Schlereth, M., Stromer, D., Breininger, K., Wagner, A., Tan, L., Maier, A. K., & Knieling, F. (2022). Automatic Classification of Neuromuscular Diseases in Children Using Photoacoustic Imaging. CoRR, abs/2201.11630. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/corr/corr2201.html#abs-2201-11630
    18. Keller Marina, Maier Marcel, Petri Timo, & Parspour Nejila. (2022). Modelling the Dynamic Voltage Distribution in Electric Traction Motor Windings. 2022 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 599--604. https://doi.org/10.1109/SPEEDAM53979.2022.9842170
    19. Mager, M., Oncevay, A., Mager, E., Kann, K., & Vu, N. T. (2022). BPE vs. Morphological Segmentation : A Case Study on Machine Translation of Four Polysynthetic Languages. In S. Muresan, P. Nakov, & A. Villavicencio (Hrsg.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2022 (S. 961–971). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2022.findings-acl.78
  4. 2021

    1. Koch, D., Rueß, M., Maier, D., & Kallfass, I. (2021). Optimization of Self-Oscillating Power Converter Based on GaN HEMTs for Wireless Power Transfer. 2021 IEEE 8th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA), 164–169. https://doi.org/10.1109/WiPDA49284.2021.9645129
    2. Fischer, L., Holder, D., Krogmann, S., & Maier, T. (2021). Integration von Sensoren in das Exterieur-Design automatisierter/autonomer Fahrzeuge. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2021, 523–534. https://doi.org/10.18419/opus-11478
    3. Reichelt, F., Holder, D., Kaufmann, A., & Maier, T. (2021). Strategies for User-Centered Adaptation of Future Vehicles. In N. L. Black, W. P. Neumann, & I. Noy (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) (S. 798–805). Springer International Publishing. https://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74608-7_98
    4. Diesch, J., Le Pannérer, M.-M., Winkler, R., Casquero, R., Muhar, M., Garde, M. van der, Maher, M., Martínez Herráez, C., Bech-Serra, J. J., Fellner, M., Rathert, P., Brooks, N., Zamora, L., Gentilella, A., De La Torre, C., Zuber, J., Götze, K. S., & Buschbeck, M. (2021). Inhibition of CBP synergizes with the RNA-dependent mechanisms of Azacitidine by limiting protein synthesis. Nature Communications, 12, 6060. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-26258-z
    5. Fischer, M. S., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2021). Are Brand Affiliation Tasks and Similarity Evaluations Comparable? : An Examination Using the Example of the Vehicle Front. In C. S. Shin, G. Di Bucchianico, S. Fukuda, Y.-G. Ghim, G. Montagna, & C. Carvalho (Hrsg.), Advances in Industrial Design : Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Design for Inclusion, Affective and Pleasurable Design, Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design, Kansei Engineering, and Human Factors for Apparel and Textile Engineering, July 25-29, 2021, USA: Bd. 2 : Advances in Industrial Design (No. 260; Nummer 260, S. 805–812). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-80829-7_98
    6. Vogel, J., Leidner, D., Hagengruber, A., Panzirsch, M., Bäuml, B., Denninger, M., Hillenbrand, U., Suchenwirth, L., Schmaus, P., Sewtz, M., Bauer, A. S., Hulin, T., Iskandar, M., Quere, G., Albu-Schäffer, A., & Dietrich, A. (2021). An Ecosystem for Heterogeneous Robotic Assistants in Caregiving: Core Functionalities and Use Cases. IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag., 28(3), Article 3. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/ram/ram28.html#VogelLHPBDHSSSB21
    7. Maier, L., Scherle, M., Hopp-Hirschler, M., & Nieken, U. (2021). Effective transport parameters of porous media from 2D microstructure images. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 175(August), Article August. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.121371
    8. Pryor, W., Barnoy, Y., Raval, S., Liu, X., Mair, L. O., Lerner, D., Erin, O., Hager, G. D., Diaz-Mercado, Y., & Krieger, A. (2021). Localization and Control of Magnetic Suture Needles in Cluttered Surgical Site with Blood and Tissue. IROS, 524–531. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/iros/iros2021.html#PryorBRLMLEHDK21
    9. Kießling, J. M., Kern, F., Reichelt, F., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2021). The Age of Design - How Users Perceive the Chronological Order Within Automobile Generations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED21), Volume 1, 2981–2990. https://doi.org/10.1017/pds.2021.559
    10. Fischer, M. S., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2021). Analysis of Geometric Features of 3D Shapes on Perception of Product Appearance for Visual Brand Affiliation. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021), Volume V: Methods & Approaches, 31–38. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74614-8_4
    11. Mager, M., & Meza, I. (2021). Retos en construcción de traductores automáticos para lenguas indígenas de México. Digital scholarship in the humanities, 36(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqz093
    12. Rieg, C., Dittmann, D., Li, Z., Lawitzki, R., Gugeler, K., Maier, S., Schmitz, G., Kästner, J., Estes, D. P., & Dyballa, M. (2021). Quantitative Distinction between Noble Metals Located in Mesopores from Those on the External Surface. Chem. Eur. J., 27(68), Article 68. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202102076
    13. Reichelt, F., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2021). Entwicklung einer situativen Entwicklungsmethodik -ein hybrider Ansatz zur agilen Transformation im Technischen Design. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2021. https://doi.org/10.18419/opus-11478
    14. Kristan, M., Matas, J., Leonardis, A., Felsberg, M., Pflugfelder, R. P., Kämäräinen, J.-K., Chang, H. J., Danelljan, M., Zajc, L. C., Lukezic, A., Drbohlav, O., Käpylä, J., Häger, G., Yan, S., Yang, J., Zhang, Z., Fernández, G., Abdelpakey, M. H., Bhat, G., … Zhu, X. (2021). The Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results. ICCVW, 2711–2738. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/iccvw/iccvw2021.html#KristanMLFPKCDZ21
    15. Schmidt-Mende, L., Dyakonov, V., Olthof, S., Ünlü, F., Lê, K. M. T., Mathur, S., Karabanov, A. D., Lupascu, D. C., Herz, L. M., Hinderhofer, A., Schreiber, F., Chernikov, A., Egger, D. A., Shargaieva, O., Cocchi, C., Unger, E., Saliba, M., Malekshahi Byranvand, M., Kroll, M., … Draxl, C. (2021). Roadmap on organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices. APL Materials, 9(10), Article 10. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0047616
    16. Denisov, P., Mager, M., & Vu, N. T. (2021). IMS’ Systems for the IWSLT 2021 Low-Resource Speech Translation Task. In M. Federico, A. Waibel, M. R. Costa jussà, J. Niehues, S. Stüker, & E. Salesky (Hrsg.), IWSLT (S. 175–181). Association for Computational Linguistics. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/iwslt/iwslt2021.html#DenisovMV21
  5. 2020

    1. Maier, M., Keppler, M., Ott, C., & Albu-Schäffer, A. (2020). Adaptive Air Density Estimation for Precise Tracking Control and Accurate External Wrench Observation for Flying Robots. IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 5(2), Article 2. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/ral/ral5.html#MaierKOA20
    2. Wandrer, F., Liebig, S., Marhenke, S., Vogel, A., John, K., Manns, M. P., Teufel, A., Itzel, T., Longerich, T., Maier, O., Fischer, R., Kontermann, R. E., Pfizenmaier, K., Schulze-Osthoff, K., & Bantel, H. (2020). TNF-Receptor-1 inhibition reduces liver steatosis, hepatocellular injury and fibrosis in NAFLD mice. Cell Death Dis, 11(3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41419-020-2411-6
    3. Fischer, M. S., Holder, D., Reichelt, F., Kern, F., & Maier, T. (2020). Methode für markenübergreifendes Produktdesign am Beispiel eines Akkumoduls. Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X (DFX2020), 219–228. https://doi.org/10.35199/dfx2020.23
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  6. 2019

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    17. Schleinkofer, U., Herrmann, T., Maier, I., Bauernhansl, T., Roth, D., & Spath, D. (2019). Development and Evaluation of a Design Thinking Process Adapted to Frugal Production Systems for Emerging Markets. Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Production Research Manufacturing Innovation: Cyber Physical Manufacturing, 39, Article 39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.promfg.2020.01.429
    18. Oberhofer, F., Hein, A., Holder, D., & Maier, T. (2019). Approach to a Design Guideline Regarding the Interaction of Shape Memory Alloys and Fused Deposition Modeling. In W. Karwowski & T. Ahram (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2019): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems (S. 621–627). Springer.
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