Modellseite: 3 Spalten (links, Mitte, rechts)

Default-Text der hier stehen soll ...

Material recorded by others but further processed at IMS

multimedia CD-ROM

  • ``Die Leiden des jungen Werther'' by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (ISBN 3-15-100002-9)
  • CD-ROM contains text and complete performance by a professional speaker
  • automatically word aligned
  • processed up to the phonetic intermediate layer (8/96)
  • amounts to 4 hours of acted speech (one male actor)

ToBI - Labelling for other speech corpora

  • ToBI labelling for ``Die Buttergeschichte'' from the ``Kiel Corpus of Read Speech Vol. I''
  • ToBI labelling for some Verbmobil Dialogues
  • ToBI labelling for material recorded at Saarbrücken

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