- 2016
André Blessing, Peggy Bockwinkel, Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand. Dramenwerkbank – Automatische Sprachverarbeitung zur Analyse von Figurenrede in Dramatischen Texten. In Abstracts of DHd, Leipzig, 2016.
- 2015
Nils Reiter. Towards Annotating Narrative Segments. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH), 2015.
Jonas Kuhn & Nils Reiter. A Plea for a Method-Driven Agenda in the Digital Humanities. In Proceedings of Digital Humanities, Sydney, 2015.
- 2014
Nils Reiter. Discovering Structural Similarities in Narrative Texts using Event Alignment Algorithms. PhD thesis, Heidelberg University. URL
Nils Reiter, Anette Frank, and Oliver Hellwig. An NLP-based Cross-Document Approach to Narrative Structure Discovery. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 29(4):583–605, 2014. doi: 10.1093/llc/fqu055. URL
- 2012
Frank, Anette and Bögel, Thomas and Hellwig, Oliver and Reiter, Nils. Semantic Annotation for the Digital Humanities. In Linguistic Issues in Language Technology, 7 (1). URL
- 2011
Reiter, Nils and Hellwig, Oliver and Frank, Anette and Gossmann, Irina and Larios, Borayin Maitreya and Rodrigues, Julio and Zeller, Britta. Adapting NLP Tools and Frame-Semantic Resources for the Semantic Analysis of Ritual Descriptions. In Sporleder, Caroline and van den Bosch, Antal and Zervanou, Kalliopi A. (eds.): Language Technology for Cultural Heritage: Selected Papers from the LaTeCH Workshop Series. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. URL
- 2010
Reiter, Nils and Frank, Anette. Identifying Generic Noun Phrases. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Uppsala, Sweden. URL
Reiter, Nils and Hellwig, Oliver and Mishra, Anand and Frank, Anette. Using NLP Methods for the Analysis of Rituals. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Valetta, Malta. URL
- Sommersemester 2015:
- (Automatisierte) Narratologische Textauszeichnung
Wintersemester 2014/15:
- What's Happening? Detecting, classifying and representing events in texts
- Sommersemester 2014:
- Key-Id: B2EB14BB
- Fingerprint: 0F30 F60D 3150 704F 2509 34EF 3529 6E55 B2EB 14BB