Pfaffenwaldring 5 b
70569 Stuttgart
to appear
Rossdeutscher, A.: to appear When roots license and when they respect semantico-syntactic structure, in A. Alexiadou, H. Borer and F. Schäfer(eds), The Syntax and Roots and the Roots of Syntax, Oxford University Press.
Jasinskaja, K. and Rossdeutscher, A.: 2012, Through narrative planning towards a preverbal message, in A. Benz, M. Stede and P. Kuehnlein (eds), Representing and inferring discourse structure, John Benjamins, pp. 45-75.
Rossdeutscher, A.: Hidden quantification in prefix- and particle verbs. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 16. MIT
Springorum, S., im Walde, S. S. and Rossdeutscher, A.: 2012, Automatic classification of German a n -particle verbs, in N. C. C. Chair), K. Choukri,
T. Declerck, M. U. Doan, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, J. Odijk and
S. Piperidis (eds), Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), European Language
Resources Association (ELRA), Istanbul, Turkey.2011
Rossdeutscher, A.: Particle verbs and prefix verbs in German: Linking theory versus word-syntax. Leuvense Bijdragen 97,1-53
Rossdeutscher, A. and Kamp, H.: 2010, Syntactic and Semantic Constraints
in the Formation and Interpretation of ung-Nouns, in A. Alexiadou and
M. Rathert (eds), The Semantics of Nominalisations across Languages
and Frameworks, Interface Explorations 22, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin,
pp. 169-214
Rossdeutscher, A. Geman her, hin, hin- und her, and herum. Meaning and justification of direction and change of direction in Perceptual Space. in A. Riester, T.Solstad (eds), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung, vol.13
Lechler. A. and Rossdeutscher, A.: 2009a, Analysing German verb-particle constructions with a u f in a DRT-based framework. Technical Report, SinSpec. Working Papers of the SFB 732. Incremental Specification in Context. 04
Lechler, A. and Rossdeutscher, A. 2009b. German particle-verbs with a u f. Reconstructing their composition in a DRT-based framework. Linguistische Berichte 220, 439-478
Jasinskaja, K. and Rossdeutscher, A.: 2008., Towards generating narratives
from a preverbal message: A DRT-based approach, in K. P. Benz, A. and
M. Stede (eds), Constraints in Discourse 3. Proceedings of the Workshop, University of Potsdam, pp. 45-52.
Reyle, U., Rossdeutscher, A. and Kamp, H.: 2007, Ups and downs in the
theory of temporal reference, Linguistics and Philosophy:30 (5),565-635
Roßdeutscher, Antje (2005) `On-line-inferences in the semantics of ``dann'' and ``then'' In Emar Maier, Corien Bary, and JannekeHuitink, editors, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9, pages325-339, 2005. pdf Roßdeutscher, Antje undChristiane von Stutterheim (in Print) Semantische und pragmatische Prinzipien der Positionierung von``dann''. Linguistische Berichte pdf Roßdeutscher, Antje (2005) `On-line'--Inferencesand `Cause' in the Semantics of temporal ``dann/then'' and German ``da''. Submitted to Journal of Semantics. pp.71pdf Reyle, Uwe, AntjeRoßdeutscher and Hans Kamp (2005). Ups and Downs in the Theory of Temporal Reference .pdf Submitted to Linguistics and Philosophy Roßdeutscher, Antje andMary Carroll (vorb) How to cope withnarration tasks in German and English Universitaet Heidelberg.pdf
Kamp, Hans; Roßdeutscher,Antje (1996) Comments on Kaplan's ``Demonstratives'' andZimmermann's ``Tertiumne datur? Possessive Pronouns and theBipartition of the Lexicon'' in Hans Kamp and Barbara Partee,editors, Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning},pp. 431--458. Amsterdam: Elsevier
Reyle, Uwe and Antje Roßdeutscher (2001) Underspecification in Discourse In: Christian Rohrer, Antje Rossdeutscher andHans Kamp (editors). Linguistic Form and its Computation. CSLI.
Roßdeutscher, Antje (2000) Lexikalisch gestützte formale Textinterpretation Arbeitsberichte des Sonderfoschungsbereichs 340, Stuttgart/Tübingen, Nr.157.
Roßdeutscher, Antje (1997) Perspektive und propositionale Einstellung in der Semantik von ``kommen'' in Carla Umbach; Robin Hörnig and Michael Grabski, editors, Perspektive in Sprache und Raum Studien zur Kognitionswissenschaft Deutscher Universitätsverlag. Wiesbaden.
Kamp, Hans; Roßdeutscher, Antje (1994) DRS-Construction and Lexically Driven Inference Theoretical Linguistics 20(2/3):165-235.
Kamp, Hans; Roßdeutscher, Antje (1994) Remarks on Lexical Structure and DRS Construction Theoretical Linguistics 20(2/3):97-164.
Roßdeutscher, Antje (1994) Fat child meets DRT. A semantic representation of the opening lines of Kaschnitz' ``Das dicke Kind'' Theoretical Linguistics 20:237 -- 305.
Roßdeutscher, Antje (1993) Using Lexical Information to Construct Discourse Representation Structures: A Case Study in Anaphora Resolution Technical report Universität Stuttgart.
Roßdeutscher, Antje; Kamp, Hans (1991) On the Form of Lexical Entries and their Use in the Construction of Discourse Representation Theory in J. Halpern, editor, Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz und Kooperatives Arbeiten, 4. GI-Konferenz, Wissensbasierte Systeme pp. 384-393 München.